
I think it's not my decision to make and if someone else wants to make it, it doesn't affect my life in any way and thus, I don't care nor do I have an opinion on it. Would I abort at 24 weeks? Nope. Would I judgmentally and condescendingly sit on a message board and tell everyone how horrible and selfish such a

Here's the thing though…I got pregnant by my boyfriend of almost 4 years at the age of 22. I wanted to marry him and knew I wanted kids one day, just not at 22. I found out very early and asked him how he felt, what he wanted, and if he could handle raising a child. Repeatedly. He said he would do it. Then flash

Literally what happened to me when I was 16. He was 19, we were in his apartment fooling around and no one was home. He started to try to penetrate me, I said that I didn't want to do that and he did it anyway. I asked him to stop, please stop, at least put on a condom if you're going to do that…but he didn't. I then

It made me think of my rape. I went over to his house and told him beforehand that I would not be having sex with him, but we could fool around a bit. He agreed. Then when I got there, we fooled around but he insisted on taking it further and did so, even though I never said he could and asked him to stop. I was too

I know this is a year late, but my uncle spent 3 years in a medium security facility in upstate New York. He's always been a great cook and always does the cooking for my whole family when we get together. In prison, he cooked for the other inmates. He wasn't assigned to kitchen duty, but he made due with what you

I had read vague statuses on FB about how devastating this season was, so I figured someone was going to die. As soon as Poussey started talking about her future and she got offered that job, I knew it was her.

Am I the only one who wants Jon and Sansa to be a thing? Just me? Oh well, I can dream.

Exactly. She has a swastika scar now. Yeah, that sucks and I'm sure it hurt like hell. But…Maria is in jail for 3-5 more years. I thought she deserved worse. I'm glad she finally got her comeuppance. Prison isn't a game.

Because he was the only family she ever really knew and everything he put her through made her as strong as she is today.

Literally my first thought.

100%. I'm still in shock at how well done that battle scene was. Brilliant. A++

This whole thing reminds me of my first love. He had previously dated a friend of mine, someone I hung out with at school but never outside of school. We were friendly, but not too close. They had dated for an entire school year, but were very casual and their breakup was mutual with no hard feelings. He and I grew

I know one. They even have a baby together.

His name was Meryn Fucking Trant and don't you forget it.

This made me think of my mother's long time friend who is now in jail for molesting his foster children. He was married to her good friend for 30+ years and we spent a lot of time with their family. She couldn't wrap her head around him doing such terrible things. He admitted it and it still took her a while to get

Very Tim Burton-esque. I would rock it.


Thank you! The only excuse I can think of is that Joan lied to him about her son, but he was still a real dick about it. There are better ways to say what he said. Nothing wrong with wanting freedom.

As a single mother of a little boy, I related to Joan's story way too much tonight. I completely get where she's coming from and how a part of you longs for that freedom. It does get frustrating and there are days you want to just run away and never look back, but your child comes first. However, if a man I was seeing

Cersei's plotline makes AFFC for me. It's why I can't say I hate it.