
When Lyanna was "abducted" by Rhaegar, her brother Brandon rode to King's Landing with some friends and stood outside the Red Keep, yelling for Rhaegar to come out and die. Rhaegar was not there and Aerys heard this and accused them of plotting to murder Rhaegar. Brandon and his men were taken hostage and their

I literally said "You go girl."

You can become a counselor with close to no credentials. She's also an addict, so if she goes into that field, she has previous knowledge of AA and it's inner workings and such. An addict with a 2 year degree could very easily become a counselor.

I'm gonna say 6 months of time and some maturity on Hannah's part happened. That's just my guess. He probably was around her often at work, spent more time with her, and saw that she was really just a sad, pathetic mess who seems to be growing into an adult and was able to look past it. Or maybe I'm giving the writers

Right?! Old Marnie totally would have played the victim and cried about Desi but I was so proud of her when she got her shit together and did the gig alone. Go Marnie. All the characters actually grew this episode. What is happening?

Did she really just learn from her mistakes and show some growth and maturity? I didn't come to this show for maturity dammit! What is going on? Is this real life?

Love it. And definitely relate to it, more than I like to admit. Like Hannah, I'm a spoiled only child, which leads to me being very self involved at times, with mental health issues of my own, who is intelligent enough in her own right but can never seem to get her shit together or grow up long enough for life to

I didn't feel bad for her at all. I'm not understanding the sympathy she is getting. She's terrible and had that coming to her, and more. I don't think she's redeemable anymore, at least not in my eyes. What a shitty person.

White: Yes, but half hispanic also.
Over-educated: One semester of college, so no.
Upper Class: Nope, decidedly middle class.
20s and 30s: Yes. 25 to be exact.
Live in Brooklyn: Yes, in Greenpoint, where the show is set and filmed.
AND I'm a girl.

I truly don't understand how they are all still friends with her, minus Shosh, who is related to her. Why Hannah or Adam would let what she did pass by without any repercussions rings so untrue to me.

I just wanted Cleo to yell at her "YOU ARE AN ADULT AND I AM A CHILD, DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF?"

She knew Ray was talking to her. She wanted to hurt him. She intentionally told Desi to keep their engagement a secret because she just wanted it between them for a while, and within 2 minutes, she went over and told Ray. Why, of all people, would she choose to tell him? Because she knows how he feels about her. She

As a female, I can tell you that she was probably plucking out ingrown hairs from shaving/waxing her bikini line.