
Obligatory shout out to U.N.K.L.E.'s album Psyence Fiction, which samples this trailer to great effect.

A few years ago I worked with the screenwriter of this movie on a project. He had written a scene with an episode of Donahue on the TV, and a character reacting to the dialogue on screen. When we asked him for the clip, he responded with a short bio of Phil Donahue and a suggestion that, despite having never met

Radiohead - Paranoid Android

Alice In Chains - I Stay Away

Anyone with the opportunity should check out one of very few visit-worthy sites in my home state of Connecticut- Gillette Castle, home of the above William, is a super cool sort of neo-medieval house he built on a hillside overlooking the CT river. It's got all sorts of theatrical mirror & sound tricks built into it,

"YOU'RE the dummy!"
"No, YOU'RE the dummy!"

"YOU'RE the dummy!"
"No, YOU'RE the dummy!"

I thought Lars Von Trier's 'Antichrist' put a novel spin on the whole accidental death thing…shot heartbreakingly slow, in black and white, and juxtaposed against revelations about the child's….treatment….later in the film.

as someone who never watched newsradio (yeah, yeah, i'm a phillistine, etc.) i never really had any feelings about andy dick one way or another. but his interview with marc maron on WTF last week was genuinely interesting, especially his take on the hartman-lovitz debacle. worth checking out. of course, he undercut

I Fucking LOVE this show.
LOVE. Nothing's more powerful than that.

Fast Food Sadness
My favorite recent addition is BK's "stacker" line…
"Sick of feeling like a fat asshole when you say 'No Veggies?' Have it your way!"

I think the unfairly maligned "Terrence & Phillip in: Not Without My Anus" deserves another look as well. It's a very clever 'fuck you' to the people that were trying to assign some importance to continuity during the rise of this (at least early on) unabashedly absurdist show. It plays with the show's media image

right along with crow 1 & 2, the Spawn soundtrack has seen heavy rotation for me for about a decade now. NBK and Lost Highway are no slouches, either.

Anyone who works retail can tell you
that in one trip to Target you're child is going to overhear every filthy word in existence from trashy lowlifes and douchey college kids in ed hardy shirts. give it up.

I'm still pretty sure that Michael Angelo was a trans dude, and Masuka either didn't notice or is totally ok with that…visibly muscled, deep-ish voice, doing the stare down on Deb, and I swear I saw a peek of Adam's apple there.

The recent downloadable Castlevania HD is pretty worthy as well. A different, multiplayer take on the "metroidvania" style popularized starting with SOTN, but still thoroughly enjoyable.

In dead animal guy's house
I just kept expecting Dexter to turn a corner and be face to face with Tobias Funke.

@witty- He'll by cryin' 'imself to sleep tonight on 'is huge pillow.

thousands? clock?

"Look at my hard dick, isn't it RAD?!"