
Among my thoughts while watching this episode: "Why is everyone okay with fucking Theon Greyjoy?" And then I assessed whether or not I would, and stopped wondering.

Thanks for your help! Scarleteen is great - I know I turned to it pretty frequently during my teen years - and Savage U doesn't seem toooo damaging, but you're right in thinking that it might not be too relevant. Hopefully I'm not a Clueless Old just yet, but I don't really think she's facing many dating/hookup issues

Oh man, I didn't even think about online clips. Perfect solution, in case she wants to talk about stuff afterward.

Hey Kenny, I don't have cable, otherwise I would have checked this out on my own, but could you try to make a recommendation about what age group this would be appropriate for? My thirteen-year-old sister is raging against her misogynistic sex ed teacher, and I think something like this could potentially be a good

@avclub-eee6e49e09ab1c283e2d7689d45a7b4b:disqus Megan's brother is one of my roommates. There are 13 others. Cable + DVR split 15 ways = not so bad, and maybe explains why it's always time to party.
As an aspiring creative type, I wish I had a job to spare, but it just ain't like that, sista. She was really nice,

@avclub-cad44517b35950ca85cffe44458ff25a:disqus Pass on by. I've only met her once. Opposite sides of the country and all.

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqusI'm a drunk college kid. DVR.

B-but Megan Ganz is my roommate's sister and we all stay in to watch her episodes because we know she wrote them… You're saying the last year and a half of my life has been a lie?

Hey, @avclub-b7ee6f5f9aa5cd17ca1aea43ce848496:disqus , as a fellow human, I feel a duty to inform you that if whoever you're having sex does anything less than consent enthusiastically, it's rape. Pete threatened, coerced, and, yes, raped that au pair. It was more than just uncomfortable.

How perfect is is that his name was Joey Fat One. Chris and his ridiculous hair should've been deemed Chris Vaguely Ethnic one.

As a disclaimer, I was a ten-year-old girl when *NSYNC was popular, so I'd like to think I have an excuse for knowing this, but the Other Other Dude in *NSYNC was Chris KIRKPatrick.

Jesus, I know. I'm not even TOO big of a raving Wire disciple, but… in what ways can a just-another-of-the-moment-procedural get to be compared to it? I mean. At the risk of being hyperbolic, it's The Wire, people.


Okay, okay, everybody who doesn't hold my opinions is admittedly a lot less shallow than me.

Thanks, @Scrawler2:disqus ! Life's too short for somebody who can't appreciate dragons.

Koski had a post on Twitter a few weeks ago saying that she had just underwent the worst interview of her career. Obviously, she has a career and she's never going to admit to whom that referred, but maybe this is a possible candidate?

My boyfriend of three years and I ended things yesterday and the first thing I did after we got off the phone was head to the library and check out Game of Thrones, which he thought sounded "geeky." So there's that.

For me, it's tv that is the big one. My former partner and I had exactly the same taste in television, and could spend hours debating minutiae of Breaking Bad, the Wire, et al. Sure, I like frivolous TLC makeover shows and he would watch tons of Swamp People, Storage Wars, and the like, alone, we could usually find a

Also, people keep saying it's not very important to them to be compatible pop culturally with their mates. Maybe it's because I'm 22, but I feel like this is pretty important. What do you do or talk about if you don't like any of the same stuff? I mean, there are so many people in the world. Why would you not want to

For some fucking reason, I saw Stealth as a double date at a drive-in when I was like fifteen. I had barely ever spoken to the kid I was paired up with before, and only really accepted because I was young enough to just think getting out of my parents' house for a night was pretty cool.