
Honest-to-god 24-year-old American woman reporting for duty. "Wonderwall" isn't exactly an obscure song. It is on the radio all the time.

Vanessa Hudgens.

Vanessa Hudgens.

Airing them so much later than when they happen that it's almost impossible not to have outcomes spoiled, and all in the name of primetime advertising. Also heavily editing things to get rid of all the "boring" stuff - aka non-American countries doing anything.

Airing them so much later than when they happen that it's almost impossible not to have outcomes spoiled, and all in the name of primetime advertising. Also heavily editing things to get rid of all the "boring" stuff - aka non-American countries doing anything.

The ID had his picture on it, though. He probably got it made, rather than using someone else's.

Uhhh, Jenna, what did you get Jake for Valentine's Day?

Uhhh, Jenna, what did you get Jake for Valentine's Day?

Thanks, Comrade!

Thanks, Comrade!

Can we please throw Ming another plotline soon? I was a little worried last season that she was sidelined by the protective Asian parents stereotype and you kinda didn't get to see much about her. But after this, it seems like they're going to maybe allow her to come into her own as a character. This is ridiculous,

Can we please throw Ming another plotline soon? I was a little worried last season that she was sidelined by the protective Asian parents stereotype and you kinda didn't get to see much about her. But after this, it seems like they're going to maybe allow her to come into her own as a character. This is ridiculous,

Can I just say thanks to everyone who participated in this thread for opening my eyes to how completely out of control the situation with Mexican cartels is? I had never taken the time to consider the very things you mention in this article, or almost anything about Mexico outside of Breaking Bad and the occasional

Can I just say thanks to everyone who participated in this thread for opening my eyes to how completely out of control the situation with Mexican cartels is? I had never taken the time to consider the very things you mention in this article, or almost anything about Mexico outside of Breaking Bad and the occasional

I think it's on that late because they don't want the tweenz who are usually watching MTV to see it due to the extremely frank (realistic) way they deal with stuff like drugs and teen sexuality. Remember that uproar about MTV's shitty version of Skins?

I think it's on that late because they don't want the tweenz who are usually watching MTV to see it due to the extremely frank (realistic) way they deal with stuff like drugs and teen sexuality. Remember that uproar about MTV's shitty version of Skins?

that and also Vince Vaughan in Wedding Crashers

that and also Vince Vaughan in Wedding Crashers

I'm pretty shallow and I think Steve Carell is standard-issue hot/sexy. Not while he's styled as Michael Scott, or anything, but for a guy who's like five years older than my dad, he's in great shape.

I'm pretty shallow and I think Steve Carell is standard-issue hot/sexy. Not while he's styled as Michael Scott, or anything, but for a guy who's like five years older than my dad, he's in great shape.