
Especially because so many of his "misunderstandings" with Grantham/Cora/Anna/Carson could have been SO EASILY explained by him not trying to be the most pathetic sadsack in the room and fucking explaining himself. When Thomas stole that wine? Ughhhhh I wanted to beat Bates with his cane.

The "massive temporal shift between each episode" thing does not work as well as this show wants it to. I'm pretty sure at this point, Lady Mary's been "maybe" going to marry Richard Carlisle for like three years. Are we really supposed to believe he's just been waiting this long?

Wye Oak is not a 'thing' anywhere but the AV Club. Their music is boring, and everyone here has an inexplicable boner for them.

I like the song more than I expected, too, but am grossed out re: all the love scene stuff with Every Disgusting Hipster Boy I Dated In College.

Agreed. Plus, I think the writers have forgotten that Quinn comes from an upper-middle class background. I've only seen, like, half of the episodes of this show, but… that's a thing, right? Why the hell am I supposed to be concerned that she "has nowhere to go" after highschool or is "stuck in Lima" or whatever. Is

Dude in the middle. Ladyfapfapfap.

We watched Dancer in the Dark in a film class I took my freshman year of college. I am not what anyone would call "a crier," but by the end, I was audibly sobbing so hard that the guy next to me had to say (condescendingly) "Are YOU going to be ALRIGHT?"

April's mother is the Puerto Rican one.

Ugh, AGREED. I thought Harmon & co. made their point about the stupidity of shipping when they revealed in "Paradigms of Human Memory" that Britta and Jeff had been sleeping together the whole time, so, who cares? Like, that is verbatim the way Dan Harmon explained it on his AVC interview. The Jeff/Annie stuff was so

Agreed. Tammy 2 earned her hellion reputation in smaller doses. This episode was hilarious, but a little forced. And did anyone else think the denouement unfolded a little too quickly? I wanted to spend more time with the Tammys. The drinking contest was really funny, but the whole thing was over within like three

Replied to the wrong thread, damnit. To all who are asking, if you bear even a slight interest in teens and their problems, this show is really fun and worth your time.

Except Reno 911 is the exception, rather than the rule, in his case. I saw his stand-up maybe four years ago when he was touring college campuses with Demetri Martin and Zach Galifinakis (Yeah, beats me, too.) and from what I remember, it was a poorly-delivered assortment of abysmal gay jokes.

The pacing and the amount of "stuff" they were able to show tonight made this feel like the episodes were planned to air back-to-back. I know the odds of this are slim-none, but I think that the hourlong format seems so much more comfortable for a show with this many characters who (I think!) deserve a little more

"The Gang Gets Invincible" was just on a random, local station a couple nights ago. They aired it entirely out of sequence between commercial breaks, with the end of the episode coming first, then the third segment, followed by the beginning, and ending with the actual tryouts at the middle of the show. Weirdest thing.

Flight of the Conchords!

She IS pregnant! Wiki says they're due in December. Glenn Howerton's wife is pregnant or just spawned or something, too. Here's hoping all their kids turn out super awesome and stay tighter than dickskin, making hilarious entertainment for generations to come.

Agreed on this count. But, on the other hand, when I was a teen girl, I forgave my friends for all their stupid, catty bullshit pretty easily, too, because - as they showed last week - when you're 16 and you ditch a crappy friend, you're basically alone. Obviously, if this was "real life," Jenna would interact with