Stylist Mick

AA meetings are clearly his only source of fun these days.

I think they might have sold Michael weed also. They're like Costco.

Those staples need to speak up.

His career slide from fucking that pie continues.

Chi McBride
Guy has a lot of canceled shows on his resume (Boston Public, Killer Instinct, Pushing Daisies) but he's never been the bad element of anything. Sure he does you're occasional shitfest like 'First Sunday' but he follows that up with something gritty like 'Narc' or as the lovable teddy bear in 'The

First Coen brothers movie I ever saw in theaters opening weekend. Will always hold a disgusting place in my heart.

He's trademarked your pass and refuses you any ancillary rights if you try to use it's likeness in any other medium.

Ohhhh, danish.

Only a few have a better and more diverse ten year run then old Marty:

Every father from the 60s who didn't want to raise his child did that. Or went out for pancake batter.

You're speculating on the plot of episodes IN THE FUTURE.

She just looks like someone that would be sexually aroused by dogfighting.

Her meltdown on the bench and subsequent torching of her disciplinary hearing was reminiscent of many Michael Scott tantrums at corporate.

I met David Caruso in Miami during one of their location shoots. Reasonably nice person. Doesn't mean he show still sucks.

They should just make everyone an agent and turn the Buy More into a big CIA office.

Be also reminded that the 3D episode is clearly the worst of the season because of the needless shoehorning of said 3D.

Her liberal fire was finally extinguished by the raw power that is the Bauer scowl of fury.

Incest jokes rarely work in mixed company.

Loathing of Lovers

Go out on a high note instead of dragging your feet for a network that clearly doesn't care to promote your show. Don't be the next Arrested Development with a truncated 3rd season.