Stylist Mick

'Maryland' is both an awful state and a seemingly terrible premised movie:

Redemptive card - his 1 season arc on 'The Shield'

In his defense, the man was a badass in Jarhead. Small role but still a shitkicker to the pussy that is Jake Gyllenhaal.

Black Dahlia is the absolute best of everything that Brian De Palma lovingly butchers when he tries to "pay homage" to Hitchcock.

Stan and Steve —- Bonding over Suicide
Steve feels unloved by Stan.

"But I hated the fact that he got everything he wanted by virtue of failing miserably."

Real men, like Gavin Valore, charter their strays on a helicopter.

I got the BSG reference (side note: That show is overrated. Explaining away major portions of your story to 'because God says so' is the laziest form of writing. Ronald Moore is no genius) but I thought they were using the actual phrase 'What the Frak?' for her explanation of how she went from a salsa dancing sweet

Fedoras make everyone cooler. Except K-Fed.

Killing your father tonight for the chance at true love?

She almost molested Rob Thomas on one of her countdown shows once. Awkward how much she was willing to give it up to that man. Kind of like her role tonight.

Mark Brendanawicz, Political Lover
A great asshole or the greatest asshole local government has ever seen?

The American Office… by the same producers.

Dear Zachary
If you didn't cry, you have a heart as black as the blackest of anuses.

That guy plays a dick in everything.

A holding pattern episode but a damn fine one at that. Jack put the pieces together a little too quickly for my tastes but he's a badass and he gets away with that.

The Strahovski Ass Linger Shot before she hops into bed
was for all the fans who wish they were Chuck. So delicious that booty is.

+ deducted because all the henchman were bad 80s henchman with zero lack of ability to defend themselves or backup plans in case their wonderfully constructed scenario for world domination is somehow compromised.

Rewriting is the real art. Though he might not have laid the foundation for most of the episodes, he probably punched up the scripts like any showrunner does. Is that still contributing? You bet your ass.

David Cross as his paralegal?