Stylist Mick

The Shins
For when hip finally got to hip.

Doctor Venture!!!
Silas and Shane could easily sub in for Hank and Dean.

But he's so easy going and free in those commercials. How can that not translate to the big screen?

He hired stagehands and actors to literally fuck the shit out of the story.

Tall guys hate tall women. It's a fact of life. Ask Joe.

Michelle was such a tramp for delusional private military firm CEOs.


Read this:

Charles Minor
Supreme prick or incredibly jealous of Jim's ability to nap all day and keep a steady job?

Bizarro Toby - Paul Liberstien's real life brother and also a producer on the show

Pam Beesly does have nice balance balls though.

That serve and the ensuing points gained from her ability to only jump maybe 7 inches from the ground appear to be achieved through nefarious camera tricks.

We must annihilate this epidemic known as breeding.

The surf board jump dance move he ended the song with was awkwardly awesome.

Douche Ted back again.

Give it time nerds.

"It's Ain't Easy Being White" is still my ringtone after 3 years removed from college. When it went off last week during a teleconference with our national office, boy was everyone amused at my immature song choices… not really.

Actor Announcement
Wait —- human announcement.

The show is getting better unlike it's other midseason partner a few hours earlier. Broad strokes on the characters they've laid out are starting to form into somewhat complex characters (though the detective with the wife who has a drug sniffing poodle but loves to toke up is playing the same character he did in

Should have stuck with it. You could have ditched this sweet gig writing about pop culture and became an MMA star.