Stylist Mick

Can never go wrong with the Dude.

I have 3 dvr's. I sometimes feel that this tv watching stuff is starting to rot my insides.

Shut up you wavy hair fucked.

The internet demands and we answer the calls of the absurd.

Hank aimed and executed his headshot nicely.

Wikipedia is difficult for most not adept to using these keyboard thingeymajobbers.

Family Guy has entered the land of no return
It's becoming a chore to watch.

Deportation to the mother land where we finally meet Steve. The only logical conclusion.

Her and Carla Cugino are in an epic Powers/Mackworthy struggle for greatest tits on aggressive brunette haired women.

Broad comedy never felt so profane and rude. Kenny apologizing for his ejaculation to the audience with the sincerity he only reserves slamming beers was a nice touch.

Because he's Tracy Jordan and rational things don't come that easy to him.

Bones does a 100x better job of the 'will they/won't they' progression of the show than Chuck has ever done.


Looks like a douchey war profiteer.

Where would said patches being lying in proximity to our brothers without arms? I'd agree that Buchanan could have attacked the kidnapper and snapped off a round while running away from the gas loaded room. But we're 13 eps deep and Jack hasn't had anyone he knows died by his knowledge of explosives. Buchanan was a

Hollow Man - Kevin Bacon invisible penis

I dig chubby guys who like KFC.

Kenny Powers is the epitome of all the constant hype, attention, "him over the team" type of mentality that we as a society grow into our kids when they are proclaimed as the next big thing. He is the downfall of that. He's rude, disrespectful, and a complete shithead. There is nothing right about anything he says

These are casually referred to as Date Rape Parties.

Rothman is a complete Tool
To the Movie Studio Head Tool Academy he must go.