Stylist Mick

Stevie's line to Cutler about "I don't tell you how to principal…You don't tell me to teach band…" had the same exact cadence as when Kenny dressed down his brother over the money for the jet ski in episode 1.

Prepare for a soul crushing moment when this Lacie of a show gets sent to shotgun heaven.

Roman Polanski clearly comes one step below moose porn.

Went to a Sunday matinee for Wanted opening weekend. Hardly had anything to do and thought "what could be bad about angelina popping out of the bathtub wet and soapy with pistols strapped to her sides?". Worst decision ever. First of all, who in their right mind gets out of church and hauls the entire clan to

He was as close to a diabetic shock from the cake as you can humanly be.

Complete malarkey.

I'll sit this one out
Scooby Doo will kill me if I cheat on him.

20 pages into the screenplay
More "fucks" than a good night at your local whorehouse.

Broken the laws of thermodynamics by firsting (not fisting which is still okay) your own column.

Clearly there are no other songs featuring black men on boats.

I won't need testosterone shots when I get older. I'll just 24 on loop and feel my manhood come back to me.

The prospect of Maxim model's tits and simulated sex work on any continent.

The goonies should have failed. Fratelli's had first dibs on that gold all the way.

Best part had to be
When he's dishing his gospel about the decrease in the initial sale of the bat, he refuses to take down the price of the baby pillow and crosses his arms in the exact same position as the cutout.

Scrubs solidified that a few years. No one can touch Toto in their prime.

They had filmed the first 8 episodes before the strike. This one came afterward when they "reshuffled" the ending of the season arcs. Could have probably stretched Billy Walsh's conspiracy for another few more episodes (like most seasons of 24) but decided to ditch this for Almeida's reboot at the end.

Small glitch
Coming out of the second act break after Billy Walsh convinces his mistress to fry the servers, the opticals surrounding the time clock show Chloe monitoring her station—-the mistress attempting her hackery—- and Billy Walsh walking down the hall. All good except…

His move only makes for one solution
Permanent host of the Emmys for the rest of his lifetime.

HD for the win.

Somehow, I'd bet a Mandingo/Lex Steele spinoff series would probably get more viewings on the big screen.