Stylist Mick

If there was anything that could have helped Blindness from being the soul sucking bastion of hate known as society gone a muck, it would have been some sweet zombie kills.

Real World was filmed there. He can't be THAT bad.

Spelling Nazis worst than real Nazis???

David Fury
The guy tends to write the better episodes of the seasons.

Charles Carmichael always comes quickly.
NBC censors are terrible. With this and lemon party on 30 rock, they're hilariously out of the loop.

And I like chick flicks!
Probably why he directed a few episodes on 'Cold Case' because I too think that show's attempt at sincerity is hilarious.

The man finally broke Otter. Damn shame.

Ad block, my man. A godsend.

Seemed like if Taxi Driver was played as a straight up comedy and De Niro took a thrill in beating the shit out of people. Wait. He did like killing guys I guess.

Trapped within a Bank Heist episode
Every hero needs to complete one to become a tv icon and Michael Westen just graduated.

The sweater did a terrible job at hacker protection.

Nope. Just IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY. Quotation marks are for the rich.

Dressing up like a Nazi
Only certified on 4/20, Halloween, and that rather episode of Maury where you're in love with a self hating Jew.

The Plunder's Dessert
When Jack was talking, did he say the truffles were "black, white, and clear" or "black, white, and queer"?

Actually, for the box office receipts they're counting on you disconnecting your living corpse from the chair and planting yourself in another life draining orifice known as the stadium seat.

Come on
Who hasn't thought about nailing Betsy Ross? Amiright?!!!

She's more like the Architect is he had boobs and an Irish twang instead of KFC beard.

Would you really want to put anything of yours near any of their mouths?

He's considered a celebrity?
Fucking recession.

Ass Hair combover is his new brand of water.