Stylist Mick

I don't know what it's called; I only know the sound it makes when it *lies*!


@Bob Loblaw's Law Blog

I would agree but Jack had his highest kill count in season 6 and that season almost made me want to turn myself into Gitmo.

We can all assume that Jack Bauer and his crew wipe their ass with the amendments. But, in the real world, you would be correct.

I'd listen to Koechner read The Hunt for Red October.

He will always be the trippy Haywire from Prison Break. You'll get to Amsterdam eventually buddy…once you zombie back to life from your free fall death and get a schooner in the middle of Wisconsin.

You shouldn't end a sentence with preposition at. But, yeah, I'm in.

Sucks because she probably loves chess.

You thought about doing it. Telekinesis is a real bitch sometimes.

I always would have figured Michael to be a Bob Newhart kind of comedian lover when he's not spewing racially insensitive Chris Rock material.

Drug him? Liz, no. Having been on both sides of that, I can tell you that was a bad idea.

You'll find plenty of pilot and planes jokes in Mad Men season 2. They're catastrophic-hilarious.

Filipino sounds racist.

That had to be the single worst arc of story I've seen in quite some time. First, they're adversaries over how to deal with her disease. Next thing you know she's making out with him for "convincing" her that a settled, slightly shortened life with a partner is much better than going balls to the wall with a life

They should be paying residuals to Speed Racer for stealing the Racer X look.

Amy Poehler's show
Parks & Recreations? That's a mouthful.

Toby the Writer
Paul Liberstein has got the lunacy/warmth of Michael Scott down to a science. In every episode he is credited with, Michael is the most relatable to the audience and our fears of not being liked by others. It's somewhat difficult for the other writers to make Michael human without resorting to making

Take your time, brotha.

Widmore's mind is 2000 years old but he's an asshole in a 50 year old body.