Stylist Mick

Did Stephen hit "enter" twice?

I would prefer "T.O. much of ME"

Zombie juice sounds delicious.

Hopefully she gets Amber'd so we can revert this back to House and not 'The Thirteenth Hour'.

President Taylor is Ronald Reagan with tits. Her utter refusal to concede to a compromise to save face on a bogus campaign promise (…and we all know our politicians really stick to their guns on these when elected).

Could not make it through the first 30 minutes
Cavaunagh was at 'Scrubs' level annoying and McCormack brings me to depressive tears for his ability to play the ultimate passive character in anything he's in.

Battlestar Galactica
Never got the hype. I watched the entire 3rd season and the first half of season 4. The plotting of certain events seems completely random and the dialogue of Roslin/Adama/Baltar gets downright melodramatic when trying to make their journey seem more an arc of destiny than just an outrunning of

Steve Carell doesn't get nearly enough credit for co-writing the script for Virgin. He also scripted the single best episode of the The Office with the season 2 finale 'Casino Night'. Whereas Knocked Up seemed aggressively cold towards intimacy and change for some reason, Virgin was warm and accepting of growing out

Manic depressive pixie.

Jermaine's Notice Board Advertisement
is a poster in the waiting. I need my own copy.

"Lemon, this is apart of our problem. I give you a simple managerial suggestion, in a professional context, and you give me the second half of a Judy Blume novel."

Yet, in the end, he came around to what every other person at Dunder Mifflin thinks she be does at the job: business.

The jump occurred last season. The Office has been middling with a few highlight episodes but 30 rock has been consistently Spaceman-worthy for a while.

His name was Henry Gale. His name was Henry Gale. He had a balloon and it burst.

The bleeding from her nose was kind of not gross. I'm weird.

You haven't been to Atlantic City in a while.

She'll Beatrix Kiddo herself out of the predicament and dreadfully try to bring Jack back to the good side with her earnest looks and freckled drenched face.

In the 24 universe, terrorists tend to dictate their actions by how far they can get away with their stupid demands instead of pushing the action at their own pace. Logic is absent I guess.

Enough with Thirteen
She's the least interesting character to ever appear on television with a disease. She shifts from cold, manipulating shrew to ever bubbly girlfriend-to-be with one well placed lie on Foreman's part. Her diagnostic skills are always off base and thank god Cameron blasted her ass on that one.

I'd second the pilot. You know… because everything starts at the beginning and such.