
I understand the reasoning behind the idea, but nobody else could have made the scene work and not have it turn out ridiculous.

Wow, he finally looks like himself again. He looked awful just a few years ago, I saw him on a "Men who look like old lesbians" list.

I recently rewatched the show in a short timespan, probably about three episodes per day, and it now seems obvious that the few Lynch directed episodes are way, way better than the rest from the very beginning.

The big problem was that Lynch had basically left the show when it needed him the most, after ABC forced them to reveal the killer midseason. It was not enough that he returned briefly to direct that awesome reveal episode.

70's Columbo was awesome. The 80's and 90's revival not so much.

Well that's depressing.

Oh you poor thing.

"Yeah, it's not so much bad as markedly inferior to the other versions" - in other words perfect for season 5.

How far back would we have to go for that to be newsworthy? Three decades?

Homer: Elton John!
Elton: That's my name! Well, not really.
Homer: Mr. John, I'm your biggest fan. I tape-recorded all your songs off the radio.
Elton: Oh, that's very sweet. Have a Grammy. (produces one from nowhere)
Homer: Uh, thaanks… (drops it in a garbage can).

Get ready for a revelation: most people liked or loved it. Seriously, I've asked so many people what they thought without giving my own opinion, and not a single person disliked it. I guess the internet is *gasp* not that representative of public opinion.

That's the best thing I ever heard.

Or Two-Face, for that matter.

It's as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in nerdgasm.

What perfect modern soulless CGI blockbuster piece of shit this movie was. I sincerely hated every minute of it, and I'm saying this as a person who loved Prometheus.

3 - Prometheus (at least we can agree the 3D was great)

Which is also much more realistic. It's actually really, really hard to shoot straight and hit a target in an agitated state.

Have yet to see Adaptation, but I actually found Being John Malkovich to be kind of depressing and not very enjoyable. The ending felt a bit sadistic, despite the main character being very unsympathetic.

Captain Beefheart. Doc at the Radar Station remains one of his highest rated albums. By the way, Buzz says he wants Melvins to be "the Captain Beefheart of metal".