


He did, it's called Neither Here Nor There and it's great.

The Melvins have been "doing the same old thing for decades"? The fucking Melvins? They have one of the most diverse catalogues in rock history! The albums they made after Atlantic and before the Big Business merger (and there were a lot) in particular were almost absurdly diverse and experimental.

Melvins were and remain hugely influential far outside of grunge. Sludge metal, doom metal and so many other underground metal bands have their fingerprints all over them.

You don't know what you're talking about. As I mentioned upthread Buzz is a huge fan of The Black Heart Procession, and he's soon embarking on an acoustic solo tour. The Melvins have experimented with loads of genres over the years, i.e. an entire live album of pure ambience and noise music, a quiet, completely

Posturing aside, I'd like to hear you say that if you actually had to make the choice. "Why yes, I would rather die in a few years than live twice as long or more".

What could a friend of Kurt Cobain who lost two of his bassists to drug abuse possibbly have against drugs?

It's not like that's the actual truth or anything,

Are we talking about That 70's Show?

Are you the guy who wrote that infamous All Music Guide biography or were you just inspired by it? In any case it is of the upmost importance that you die.

Don't forget Eggnog!

…and a movie?

How Beige Was My Jacket

I know I'm far from the only one to think Nevermind's production was too slick, but Kurt seemed to realize this himself and went in the other direction with In Utero, so kudos to him.

If this is inspired by the original Alien, a move I support whole-heartedly, then why do they still use the inferior Aliens redesign of the creature? The original design was perfect.

@paraclete_pizza:disqus Say what you will about Prometheus, but the visuals and Fassbender being excellent is pretty much the only thing people can agree on.

Did you really not pick up on this guy's genuine love and enthusiasm for great rock music? Or his disappointent in how so few bands are able to keep the creative flame going?

Touche? No wait, that's terrible. I quit.

Kaada of Kaada/Patton talked about his perfectionism in an interview on Norwegian TV. The album came out over a year after Kaada thought it was done because Patton kept demanding the tiniest of changes.