
This reminds me, first paragraph of The Big Lebowski's script:

Ah, now I get where you're coming from. The scene was mashed together with a separate one featuring the Lodge people where Bowie was not involved to save time. Lynch was under contract to keep it under a certain running time.

If you're talking about the Bowie scene Cooper did not know he had been to the Black Lodge. He just appeared, rambled incoherently and disappeared again.

Great points, looking forward to watching your videos.

Weird to see how much opinions on this movie have changed since this was published. Nowadays it's praised more than criticized when brought up in comment sections around here (which has been quite often lately due to the Bluray with The Missing Pieces followed by the revival). Even before that with the Watch This

What you and a lot of people don't get is that a movie can have both stupid (and I thought several parts of it were flat-out moronic) and clever at the same time, and it's also still possible to misunderstand part of what Scott was going for.

(Stuck in my old AVC account for the moment) Part of what he's getting at is the fact that the misguided and naive nature of the mission from anyone involved was one of the major themes of the movie. From the very first teaser they always focused on the "we were wrong, we were so wrong" line.

Great movie too, though you seem to have misunderstood much of it.

(Accidentally logged into my old AVC account) They are not humans, they just used some of their genetic material to create us (as in fraternity tests 'DNA match' does not equal '100% match', look at the graphs in the movie). The genetic variation between humans and chimps are less than 2%.

Could have worked had they not already made a straight sequel. The name is appropriately generic for an anthology at least.

Headed right for your nearest psychiatrist, I trust.

Sounds about right.

I'm actually fond of quite a few avant-guarde pieces many people would consider to be self indulgent wankery, and I get what Corgan is going for here, but this is just absolute shit. Not that you need me to tell you this.

I still find it bizarre that Courtney Love was in Faith No More at one point.

Why is it still going on then?

Counterpoint: no.

It's been said that Paul's Boutique could never have been released today. Sad to see this happen to an entire musical artform/technique/whatever you wanna call it.

Does anybody have any idea why they have gone all Chinese Democracy/Detox on us?


Hey, look who's holding a grudge! I quite enjoyed the movie, flawed as it was. I'll admit I was being rude though, guess I was having a bad day.