
Only if you start calling EVERY death of a female character fridgeing.

Yay, she's got the facepaint!

Honestly, I think as long as you pay the actor his full contract, you have the right to replace him early if he's not living up to expectations. Not that uncommon a situation.

Agreed. And Twitter just magnifies the insanity. People need to stop reacting to it, especially in situations when it's pretty ridiculous.

Onaodowan was only contracted for a short time, anyway - filling in for Josh Groban - and the struggling show needs a big name. I think the controversy here is overblown.

Recent comics have given him a more prominent role.

This guy is a class act, not evil personified at all.

Although the popcorn was a bit salty…

70 years from now, one of you here will tearfully recall to a reporter the great Disqus kerfluffle of 2017.

If I get even the wind of something bad happening to a dog, I must pass.

Oh man, if Al Gore rapped….

Dammit, now I want a mustache digitally added to the scenes he shot clean-shaven.

So true. That battle between Cap and Tony was more captivating than just about all of the CGI-army finales we've seen thus far.

Yeah, I thought Civil War was cohesive, did a great job telling a personal story, and seamlessly fit in an army of characters. My cousin's main criticism at the time was that he didn't feel the movie had a real conclusion; it just stopped. And I can see that, but I also saw it as an important chapter in a story that's

I watched Civil War, thought it was fantastic. Went back to see it with my cousin, expected to talk about the film enthusiastically after the movie ended, only to find that he was really displeased with it. And now I see the mixed reviews everywhere else. Sometimes I just don't understand how I enjoy a film so much

Or The Wiz.

I hope if I say it enough, I'll slip into an alternate universe where they don't.

Yeah, I thought they were gonna say it was 4 hours.

You Are… Purple And Bald!

I suspect it's more about this site's unbending praise for Marvel and utter loathing for DC (except for Wonder Woman).