
Smoke me a kipper, folks, I won't be back for Christmas!

Smoke me a kipper, folks, I won't be back for Christmas!

Sad how just one troll can ruin it all.

There always have to be people in their 40s going, "Man, this next generation is the worst!" That will never change. :-)

To be fair, a lot of people who choose religion as their source of self-righteousness don't REALLY practice that much peace, love and forgiveness.

And they all team up to fight the invading aliens from Signs.

This is what I have heard, as well.

*ship sinks*


I'm outblematic, and I just can't fat click.

Writers should not have this much power!

You'll wish you never knew.

The strict, humorless attitude. The lack of degree in favor of black and white judgements. The social ostracism. All in the name of knowing what's best. I can't see much of a difference in application, at least.

Indeed. So, so, true. I've been saying this and kind of stunned by it for awhile. People being people, the usual response to prudishness, eventually, is rebellious pushing of the envelope. I'm very curious to see how these social mores unfold.

I'm able to have that distance because the show is damned hilarious. Maybe that makes me an awful person. But I won't lie and say I don't have to try and not think of the real Cosby at times.

It's god's work.

Come on, Dems. Don't f*ck this up.

I'm gonna be serious for a moment: Can't a creator's work stand separate and outside of the creator? Can't it take on a life of its own, and not necessarily reflect the worst aspects of the creator?

But they fridged that guy, so it evens out.

Whoa! I like money, too!