
The ultra-focus on Clara, especially in the Season 9 finale, really turned me off. Thankfully, Bill has been AWESOME, as has Series 10.

So did Moffat.

The show really has an amazing track record with casting, hasn't it? There isn't one Doctor I don't like, just some I prefer more than others.

There's a lot of consensus, but god forbid you like a Doctor that the majority of fans hate - like Colin Baker, the Sixth Doctor. He's one of my favorites - and yes, in the TV show and not just in Big Finish - and all people do is sh*t all over him. Granted, he might be the only Doctor that is so reviled.

Would Christopher Eccleston do a series of 9th Doctor audio adventures? Ho, ho. Of course not.

I thought she perhaps sounded a little older in places, but not too distracting.

God, hearing the Tenth Doctor and Rose just talking to each other again set me all aglow.

I get so sick of being logged into my A.V. Club account and then having it slip into Disqus for no good reason.

Looks like she still acts here and there. I recently picked up "Return to Oz" on Blu-Ray. Looks great in HD, and still a very underrated movie, IMO. Fairuza was really good in that; not all child actors can be that convincing.

All fabulous.

It's a tease. We want to see the proper costumes, of course.

Well, until Michelle Yeoh pulls out my lightsaber. I mean A lightsaber!

I suspect Ishtar references might have finally slipped away among the newest generation of writers.

TOS had equal opportunity nudity. Shatner showed his boobs all the time!

I've always wondered this, myself.

They did have Number One, which was pretty phenomenal for the time.

Wowl Seanbaby! Classic cut!

I wish I could triple-like this post.

I think this complaint is purely from a Trek nerd standpoint. WE WANT TO SEE THE UNIFORMS!!!
