
Yeah, I really want to see this. But I'm not subscribing to CBS's streaming service.

Watch the show on Blu-Ray, or the earlier seasons that are now part of the syndication package. They're so crisp and colorful. Impressive restoration work.

Well, at least I don't see any styrofoam rocks anywhere.

You didn't even notice she was naked?!

That movie just should have been called "Pooper."

Don't give Dan Aykroyd any ideas.

Upon hearing her name, I immediately pictured Fairuza Balk.

The bears like it.

Nothing wrong with trying to be positive and hoping for the best. Sadly, Trump quickly proved he was just as bad as we feared.

Okay, so when does Ghost Rider get his own show?

Right, does this mean iTunes and other programs won't still play mp3 files?

True, but they clearly have feelings for one another.

"Oh, there were many girls."


There's always someone trying to turn everything into a scandal.


I don't see any way this can satisfactorily be wrapped up in one episode. I hope I'm wrong.

The Stark Trek motto, and even a Bolian!

They even acknowledged that the Doctor can survive a bit longer than humans in the vacuum of space! I love those details. That's like a 5th Doctor callback.

Watching this show has always been like dealing with a persistent skin rash for me, so I can't say I'm sad it's gone.