
Nooooo!!!!!! It was Vince McMahon pulling the strings all along!

Dre's fear that "this baby is going to break my heart" just ruined me. I thought this episode scored higher on an emotional level, at least.

He's the People's Champ.

Craig had burning chemistry with most female guests. lol

HURRAH! But man, the '80s is gonna seem like a loooong decade. :-D

Nicole Kidman is a great guest. Her burning chemistry with Jimmy Fallon still keeps me up at night.

Conan, always breaking new ground!

Excellent. This and Black-ish make for a solid hour of comedy.

I envision a skit in which Conan O'Brien comes up with zanier and zanier ways in which to grab the attention of/piss off Steve Harvey.

I think the gag of the giant elephant penis is funny in a way that has nothing to do with gay panic. It's just a horrifying and hilarious situation.

A little thick on the "tut-tutting."

Now that's a bit harsh. LOL

The bugs were kind of lame and disappointing, but then the wooden lady showed up and the make-up/effects for her were incredible. So creepy.

Sad upvote.

Oh man, now I'm going to be disappointed if I see anything but Liev Schreiber fighting a claymation Andre the Giant,

Agreed that it happened fast and without more development that there just wan't time for in 10 episodes. But I think the Ashi we've seen the last few episodes - exploring the world, fighting evil and making up her own mind about Jack - seems like her own person, compared to the frenzied assassin we saw early on.

Wouldn't perhaps 20 years of training be several? Do you think she aged at an accelerated rate? Some think that, but I believe the intention in that episode was to show the sisters training over their lifetime. She might be completely new to certain concepts, but she's still an adult with an adult level of reason and

He inspired a lot of people. But aside from the Scotsman, Jack's always been on the move and hasn't had the time to really connect with anyone, especially not romantically,

Never underestimate what can rub people the wrong way online. lol

Well, I hear Bosko and Buddy from Merrie Melodies are in need of work.