
I tend to think the artwork helped a lot of players visualize and imagine the world of each game they saw only depicted in basic shapes.

Eloquently stated, Dave. Exactly. It's a shame such a thoughtfully written arc is being picked apart by the usual crowd that tries to pry out anything wrong.

Truly. Gorgeous and evocative (with incredible imagination), made you NEED to play that game.


And Jack is so mission-oriented, I don't think he ever really stopped to consider romance, and this caught him off-guard. Same goes for Ashi. Hopefully there's some time for happiness.

Very true. Doesn't mean most people don't desire romance.

It could have gone another way, but I can't say I'm not happy for them. Will have to see how it plays out.

"Doctor Who kissed a girl?! He' s not an asexual being?! (even though the very first episode established he had a granddaughter)"

No, we were getting more accepting of nudity; let's not go backwards.

For Jack, the ultimate loner, to finally develop a real personal connection in the future time is completely fitting and overdue as the show nears its conclusion. And Ashi is his equal and match. They both owe who they are to the evil of Aku and their determination to overcome it. It grows them as characters.

Ashi was brainwashed and is naive, but still endured a lifetime of training. We saw her grow up in one episode but I think thay was meant to depict several years. She has always been curious and decided on her own to open her mind to a new way of thinking. I don't think calling her a child mentally is really fair.

So well said. She can be both.

Upset over depicting something that is still true in life a majority of the time? Get a grip, Mary Sues.

Excellent point. Age doesn't always equal maturity.

Yes, Jack and Ashi should have stopped first and discussed all their individual trauma and the delicate balance of how their starting a relationship could grant unfair power to either individual. Or like we saw, they just could simply act on their mutual attraction and be happy. That god we got the latter and not

Well, Jack, good luck finding another immortal, youthful 75-year old.

I can't see anyone but Jack defeating Aku.

That bit sounded like anti-Christian propaganda to me! How Jesus was a bastard, and an idolizing sorcerer and… best yet… in HELL boiling in his own excrement!

I really don't wanna see puppets die.

Wow, I had no idea, and that is depressing.