
Are there public domain comic books that MST3K can dissect?

Masterplan is up there for me, probably with Evil of the Daleks and Tenth Planet Episode 4. I also hope we can get Web of Fear Episode 3 back - we ALMOST had it until some jackass private collector bought it out from under the recent find, so we know it exists somewhere.

I keep hoping those missing Doctor Who episodes will mysteriously show up on YouTube.

Chewbacca finally gets his due.

You will if you eat a lot at Friendly's!

When will cities learn that hosting the Olympics is a losing deal?

As long as the cat and race car stay, I'm good.

Personally, I never wanted that to happen. The Nolan series was too grounded in reality to really allow for the fun insanity of the larger DC Universe. Even Superman would have seemed out of place. Although the DC Cinematic Universe has huge problems, it isn't shy about dipping into the real comic book stuff. Some

Different series altogether.

(Based on the headline) Well, I can see Trump supporters dating Trump supporters…. Unless we just want that whole species to die out. ;-)

It never made sense. They should just be Playboy.

I enjoyed The Lego Batman Movie, but didn't love it as much as I wanted to. I'm not sure why. I think it wasn't as funny or as sly as I had hoped - it was at times, then would slack off for awhile - and the message got a little too sappy and obvious. It also seemed weirdly slow. But it was still a joy pinpointing all

Too bad Trump probably pays people to watch commercials for him.


I'm shocked they haven't done it yet. lol

"One Vision" was used in Iron Eagle, but who really remembers that?

That was a case where the trailer was purposefully made to look much cooler than the actual film, to the point where they added several special effects that weren't even in the movie.

Oh yeah, definitely a highlight. And did you hear what he whispered to the stewardess???? 8-O

It was Highlander fans' "Phantom Menace" moment.

I'll watch Christopher Lambert in anything, but maybe he's an acquired taste.