
Dude, I've got more issues than a comic book store.


I think Voyager was one of my first experiences of fiction I loved suddenly disappointing me, like a betrayal. I grew up loving TOS. I became a big fan of TNG and was really sad to see it go. I waited anxiously for Voyager to debut and quickly had the sinking feeling that something was TERRIBLY WRONG. At least DS9 was

In my opinion, still deal with him as a human being. Blast the action and words that deserve blasting. If he has a moment of decency, don't continue blasting. Tolerating NOTHING just doesn't help anything.

I'm with you. There's no sense of scale. I find myself getting just as angry at the Trump crowd as I do the crowd that shouts down the tiniest perceived PC indiscretion. I think I'm just in the middle, hoping for sanity, and those two things don't really exist anymore.

YES! I need to grab this now. TY

That was great.

I get it, A.V. Club needs to inject some humor or slant into an article instead of just reporting straight entertainment-related news. But this is pretty weak.

Blind intolerance on both sides continues to be the problem that drives the country apart.

Because the media continues to weaken itself when it pursues an agenda (no matter how warranted) instead of reporting fairly.

Pence had a thoughtful response to the Hamilton incident. Spicer is being cordial about his SNL mocking (this weak attempt to poke holes in his response notwithstanding). It's really just Trump who can't act like an adult or an actual public servant about anything.

I'm definitely not a supporter of this guy, but it seems he was at least being a good sport about this. A.V. Club's dissection of his words here seems a bit of a reach.

Nemesis should get a director's cut. It might make it slightly more palatable.

After the first couple of seasons, DS9 became an excellent (mostly) serialized show with superb storytelling. At the time, it became my favorite Star Trek series. But now, I find myself enjoying repeats of TNG and TOS more than DS9, probably because of their more standalone nature. Voyager, however, still seems as bad

I wish they would just switch in the remastered seasons. How hard can that be?

"Trials and Tribble-ations" is on the TOS set, but I'm not sure if it's actually rescanned or just upscaled.

Is the Animated series going to be released as a standalone Blu-Ray release? I really don't want to buy the rest of TOS on Blu-Ray AGAIN.

I find the updated TOS episodes kind of refreshing; I just wish the CGI effects were a tad better. The ship looks like a cartoon at times. But thankfully the original versions are available on the Blu-Ray along with the redone episodes.

No. Because it's horribly depressing.

What's infuriating is that "Web of Fear" almost came back complete until some greedy private collector got wind of the find and bought an episode out from under Phill Morris, the searcher who was returning episodes to the BBC. And of course it was the episode with the Brigadier's first appearance.