
This weekend I came across a Little Golden Book telling the story of Return of the Jedi and thought it was cute until I got to the end and saw Christensen illustrated among the Force ghosts. Then I almost tore it up.

That was actually a "kinda not bad" scene in Episode I. Mainly for Qui-Gon's "There's always a bigger fish" line.

Maybe Luke falls off the cliff directly into the sea monsters mouth. *MUNCH*

Complete with a loud "WAH-WAH" sound effect.

Yeah, it seems a foregone conclusion. Honestly, I wish they left Luke, Han and Leia in the past with the happy ending in Return of the Jedi and just started the new films later in the timeline.

Well, I don't see any way this doesn't mean Luke dies and Rey is the last Jedi by the end of the movie.

How is there not a Netflix series about the Byzantine world of Wikipedia edits?

Mothman and other similar sightings usually get accredited to scared people seeing large owls. It kind of makes sense.

Makes an alien craft almost sound plausible. lol

That's why you have to believe it's a secret force within or beyond the government holding the alien secrets.

Trump platform 2020!

I have to admit not knowing what a Christian Scientist actually is. I picture them in labcoats trying to figure out the chemical basis for turning water into wine.

Certainly the planet Venus had something to do with it.

I have a special affinity for "Bad Blood," even though it's not a Darin Morgan episode.

They come from "the spaces between spaces."

Delsey was an advance scout sent to monitor the Hills.

Oh yeah, wasn't that show kind of an X-Files rip-off?

One theory I always thought was pretty interesting is that the Hills' memories - and the basic description of alien beings we have today - might have been influenced by episodes of "The Outer Limits." Here's an article about it: http://www.jasoncolavito.co…

Not sure, but they did have a crossover.

Oh man, I'm excited to see another Sandman Mystery Theater fan (usually you just hear about Gaiman's Sandman). What a great comic, and perfect for the show.