
Yup, we're screwed.

Yeah, I would not be shocked if he quit. The thrill of the win will fade quickly once he sees what a difficult job he has ahead of him.

I don't think it's cowardice as much as he said what he needed to say to get elected.

He's a clowder of cats.

So if you're afraid to go to Berlin, are you a Germanophobe?

Great point about the the absolute political and cultural divide in the '60s. I guess today's situation isn't as unique as it seems.

NYC is its own universe and there is nothing else like it. The rest of the world knows this and is jealous.

I hear you about the clickbait. But honestly, I don't think a site like this needs to decide on a political commitment. It's mostly trivial fluff that we just happen to enjoy reading, not hard news. And it's pretty clear (in their articles) that they despise Trump, anyway. If you think A.V. Club needs to ditch their

This IS an entertainment website, not a political site. They do mock Trump whenever it pertains to an entertainment-related story, like the Hamilton incident.

VERY nice. Maybe this show will have a stellar cast.

LOL, if so, THAT would probably be the rarity. I still have my red Maximum Carnage.

This is truly sad news. Doctor Doom NEEDS a proper film appearance. Fox keeps trying to fix what is already perfect and failing.

I wonder if Miranda played SNES Maximum Carnage as a kid.

Nooo!!!! Now how am I going to get my Kevin Sorbo fix?

It will feel good to see them stick it to him.

Yup, can't change it. All they can do is sharply satirize him going forward.

It's a zombie. Like on the Walking Dead, they just keep shambling even though they should have turned to dust long ago.

I've got the DVDs. But dammit, Seinfeld needs a Blu-Ray release! TBS is showing the hi-def versions.


I just want to echo what another person said about the political conversations on A.V. Club being remarkably and refreshingly civil. Even with such strong opinions and disagreement, there is actual discourse. I feel like I learn something, anyway. Granted, we seem to mostly be different shades of liberal arguing