
Nothing will ever guilt me out of watching Seinfeld. It just… is me.

But there is likely more to them than "racist" is my point.

Honestly, I feel job creation is the key to solving our many problems. Part of what leads to racism is the feeling that others are taking away what people feel belongs to them. I don't think a lot of hatred is innate, but develops through competition for resources (real or perceived). That's just who human beings are

Can't Obama still technically push through Garland since Congress didn't act? I'm hoping he does this if it's legally possible, but yeah, I do suspect he might let it go so as not inflame the GOP and Trump at a time when Trump SEEMS open to some concessions.

The fury people feel is 100% understandable. But I really think we need to step back and look at how we've ALL fallen into the same trap. We're saying "I'm right, you're not just wrong but reprehensible, and you need to do the right thing or GTFO." But the other side is saying that, too! And they believe it just as

In my opinion, it's making it clear that's never okay but still trying to engage and work together on important policy. "Never compromise!" is why we're stuck in gridlock and hating the other side. Do you think Obama's wrong?

And when you just lump them together as "RACIST/SEXIST Trump voters!" and dismiss and look down on them, you're kind of, sort of doing what racists and sexists themselves do. I get it; I'm angry, too. But I think it's necessary to look at the overall reasons this happened, of which racism and sexism were only a part.

It's easy to quickly decide someone is a racist or sexist, write them off and not engage with them, and I think that's the mentality that contributes to speakers being banned from colleges, etc. But if we look at one aspect of a person, not all of who they are, and refuse to accept them a complex, flawed human being,

Good point; it wasn't like we have total voter turnout. But I still think the "If you voted for Trump, you're racist" line of thinking demonizes a great many Americans in a way that just makes the present situation worse.

I'm going to leave this recent quote from Obama right here:

Self-righteous outrage!

I don't know. I don't feel like The Cosby Show should be buried forever because of its stars misdeeds. It's still a classic show. Maybe RIGHT NOW is a little soon.

I was about to say it was a shame he never got to film the Manos sequel, but had no idea he had! Glad he got to resume his famous role.

That's awesome! Especially "The Art of the Deal" on the Nazi's bookshelf.

I suspect it would be an entirely new cast with actors closer to the ages of the characters at that point in time.

Ohhh!!!! That's right! I saw that episode when it first aired but never since and barely remember it. So weird that there's a "lost" Seinfeld episode.

BAD IDEA. Resist the temptation, CBS.

Needs more pouches.

You know that totally must be the case!