
Haha, thankfully not.

Oh, it was just part of the charm. :-D

I've only seen the first season so far, but it was a frustrating watch. There were moments of fun and brilliance counteracted with some blandness and unsatisfying storytelling. I did like the expanded view of the first film, which is one of my favorite movies. Maybe I'll wait to see if the show actually gets a

So true, I wanted to believe this would capture the feel of the cartoon, only in live action. But it actually sounds dumber than the cartoon!

How could they mess up the sheer promise of Krang?

And I hoped it was better. Stupid, dumb me.

The origin at last!

It's not just you. Krang is magic.

Maybe the art director is the problem?

I was tempted to watch it because it had Krang, but still haven't bothered.

This comment needs more like buttons.

Did it make your illness worse?

That sums it up pretty well.

Seriously, why are they so ugly? And why are Bay's Transformers hideous, while we're at it?

Bless you.

And the audience shrugged. I suspect the same would happen if Bay's Transformers movies came to a close, and they've been much more successful. There just isn't much to Bay's movies like this besides spectacle.

But how many people are actually left? The population has dwindled so much that I don't think it's adding huge numbers to the zombie herd.

Remember that episode with the nearly skeletal zombies in the flooded basement? I'd like to see more of that.

Get to work on breeding the giant crabs! Next season: Rick vs. the Crab People

A wonderfully theatrical man and his pet tiger wandering the post-apocalyptic world. Certainly sounds like a better show to me!