
Enjoy your fun new characters, Walking Dead fans, until they inevitably die horribly.

Hahahahah. I think it was revenge on the world.

My real last name (not Fork) means "monster" in German. I kind of wish it were true.

Probably a wise move. lol

Sensible name for it.

My grandfather's podiatrist was named Dr. Foot. Sometimes it's destiny!

Is this article in English? I don't speak sports.

I thought that last item said "Time Travel Halo" for a second. lol


Yeah, I think the parody would have worked better and been less mean-spirited if Heaven actually was all the things Chick hated and he had to endure it.

The all-knowing creator of quality baby food products.

Wow, it did manage to be just as sanctimonious as Chick!

Oh no, I bet he farted on her.

Is that all there is? I guess those alone kind of fill a different niche. lol

On one hand, I respect Watterson for not merchandising his characters. But on the other hand, I kind of understand people who make bootleg C&H product since there's obviously a demand not being met.


For a second I thought you meant the cat and almost harshly downvoted you.

Yes, but they only make six bucks.

No, plenty of us here are old and decrepit.

Ahh. So I guess we have an answer to our cliffhanger. Maybe. lol