
You left out, "I don’t want idiots in my audience." He might state it in a slightly more nuanced way, but it's the same idea, in my opinion.

At least on Comedy Central, the roasters make fun of each other as well as the roastee.

I think you're right about the team concept. Sure, Trump has naturally ardent supporters, but what about the other Republican voters who wouldn't normally choose a candidate like him? A lot of Republicans can't bring themselves to vote Democrat. For some, Trump represents at least enough of their values that they're

You only see the whites of his eyes when he sinks his teeth into you!

Maybe that leafy plant on his lapel isn't celery!

That would be a real, in wrestling insider parlance, "Heel Turn."

Yeah, I don't think that's going away. I'd be surprised if there wasn't an ongoing attempt by Republicans to impeach.

Davidson seemed like a bad sport when Coulter was doing her (admittedly weak) roast speech.

Maybe Davidson is joking, but the, "If you don't agree with me, F you," thing is kind of off-putting. (And I am certainly not a Trump supporter.) But that is the typical attitude you see from a lot of people online. There's no room for discussion, just believe what I believe 100% or you're wrong and GTFO. It's weird

For a moment I thought the flaming head reference was going to turn into Ghost Rider appearing in this film.

I love these incredibly specific questions. lol

So Chick did make an impression on my young psyche! That comic disturbed me so much that I wrote a letter to my priest asking if it could be true that the Pope was evil! Thankfully, I didn't send it.

Question: Most "Christian Book Stores" cater to born again protestants and not Catholics, right? Because I'm pretty sure I've seen stuff like Chick's work in those stores.

Spreading the word about darkly humorous and entertaining nutball works of art is part of what A.V. Club does so well.

That's him, at the top of the article.

I will say that I always felt Catholic ritual to be cold and distant, whereas in the Baptist church I joined the preacher spoke about things you could relate to and it felt like a real community. The musical interludes even included a saxophonist, for pete's sake! Much cooler than organ music. I was really

A friend of mine's mother read a book about how He-Man was the devil, and thereafter he and his sister were only allowed to watch Sesame Street. And he was in like fourth grade at the time!

I wonder if Jack had to go deep undercover into a D&D group to learn the lingo.

I think it's also reassurance to see their beliefs depicted on the page in a simple, evocative way.

I've known a good number of people who would have read Chick's work and said, "Yup, ain't that the truth!" It's definitely not an uncommon viewpoint, or at least it amps up fears that people already have.