
Would have been funnier it it was fawning fornicators.

Look, I don't think the guy deserved DEATH for the crap he wrote. But he was old and he died. It's not a tragedy; it's just life. You can have general human sympathy and still not miss him.

I wish everyone could enjoy his work for the craziness it is, but at the same time you know there are kids whose parents believed this stuff and these comics were effective scare tactics.

Yeah, admittedly, reading these comics is a guilty pleasure.

Sin makes awesome salsa.

Yeah, at the time I was unaware of the persisting tension between Catholicism and the Born Again denominations. I had friends that were Baptist (which I ended up becoming for awhile) and the culture really shocked me. When you saw how weirded out people were about rock music, Magic: The Gathering, R-Rated movies and

These are fascinating, unintentionally hilarious and a strange look into a skewed and paranoid worldview. And the art is great, very Mad Magazine. I had a comic book called, I think, "King of Kings" when I was a pre-teen that told the life story of Jesus, then suddenly swerved into a depiction of the End Times that

Computron, you've come a long way since Grimlock created you with his new brain.

The Nazis are pretty hard to match as villains, but there wasn't much the writers could have done about that unless they wanted to introduce a surviving group in South America or something (which there is slight basis for, but I doubt Spielberg/Lucas wanted to go there). The Russians are certainly era-appropriate, but

Thank you so much for this paragraph, Mike! So true! I keep making this same argument to deaf ears:


I guess they're all Wile E. Coyotes at this point.

Carl should become a cyborg.

I often view comic book reboots as a good place to jump off, too. lol

I recall that, too.

Is this show in danger of a Game of Thrones problem in which the televised episodes surpass the most recent plot developments in the source material? It looks like the show has more or less covered about 100 issues worth of the comic book, and the comic is currently on issue #159, so it doesn't seem like it'll be a

Zombie movies are a nightmare but at least they only last a couple of hours.


He was fired? Why? He's friggin' Frank Darabont!

Even if new zombies still arise from anyone who dies, how many people are actually left? Good point in that the majority of zombies must be getting pretty old by now and should be decaying to the point of uselessness. The series HAS shown zombies in more advanced stages of decay, but I doubt the show is actually