
It originally started with a story about Buddha, the launched into the song. I'm not sure if that part is still intact.

A few years later, did they do it to "Eye of the Tiger"?

I suspect Dikachu knew this. lol

You got rocked so hard yo' mom fell down.

He's molested, and he's okay!

FINALLY! I listen to a bootleg of this session often but a remastered version is overdue. The version of "It's Late" from these sessions is great, too.

OMG, that's Lister from Red Dwarf!!!!!!!!!!!

Jonathan Frakes would not lie to you.

Yeah, agreed. I don't think it's fair to blame one TV show for someone's suicide. There were surely other underlying problems.

Do you know how hard it is to make an effective horror movie? Let's give credit where it's due.

Are Crockett and Tubbs somehow involved in this?

I think I skipped whatever college course I had that day and spent a couple hours at Borders ogling the Doctor Who VHS tapes, carefully choosing my next purchase. "Do I want yet another Tom Baker or should I branch out and add a little more Sylvester McCoy to my collection? Hmmm…"

I guess no Seinfeld vs. Martin debates in this one?

Hey, I'm just doing my job.

Yeah, the genius slightly outweighs the diva, I guess,

Oh yeah, that's true. Star Trek Beyond's trailer really gave away a major surprise.

Question: Has there ever been a movie trailer you felt spoiled the film for you? I'm trying to think of one, but I'm curious what the rest of you think.

So the murders were probably one person rather than a series of murders by different people, correct?

Yeah, I think from that point on (or at least in Season 7) she always wore a standard medical/science vision uniform while on duty.