
And… for a moment you got me excited about some kind of new Miami Vice project.

I always felt so bad for Tito.

Yeah, I'm sold on seeing this.

At least they were official uniforms, I guess. I always thought it was a little strange how Counselor Troi got to wear her causal jumpsuits on the Bridge.

Hahaha, I can absolutely see that happening.

Yeah, it'd be one thing if every woman was shot like that, but with an exotic dancer (and a bunch of men watching), I kind of expect that. Now, the dialogue about women being more easily scared, and from Spock no less, that's pretty embarrassing.

He's naming her "Number One?" I figured TNG homaged that character by having Picard call Riker that.

It's kind of funny that someone read that piece of trivia and was like, "BING! TV Movie idea!"

Wait, Ellison wrote a scathing piece about someone who worked on a TV adaptation of one of his scripts? What a shocker!

Go back to the pilot, and the second officer was a woman AND sensibly dressed. Of course the network wasn't having it.

At least some of the men in TNG wore short skirts, as well.

But didn't most of those murders involve surgically precise mutilations?

Wasn't the male gaze in this episode from Scotty's perspective, so it at least kinda made sense?

I did enjoy the giant cat in Catspaw. lol

Except maybe Larry David. lol


Well, it's not like he dropped a deuce on it.

On a related note, I think saying that watching porn teaches people to objectify women (and men) is like saying that playing violent video games encourages people to go out and shoot up their towns. It's insulting to assume that people can't distinguish between fantasy and real-life decency.

Reyes in this show feels like they took the character from his short-lived comic and jumped ahead a few years to a point where he's more consumed by the darkness. Even his brother is older in the show than in the comics.

As I only ever tuned in for Hawkgirl, it really sucks that she's gone.