
Nice job on the deep cut.

As long as the Joker mentions boners to Batman, I'm in.

Mmm… I think I have some Dippin' Dots in my future.

Yeah, I learned about the promising sport of Jai alai recently on an episode of Miami Vice. That's a new show, right?

I think it's awesome that Supergirl features a positive female role model. I would understand the acid dripping from this article if the show had Superman show up and immediately outclass his cousin in every way. But why wouldn't we think that his appearance will instead create an interesting and fun dynamic with the

It's not possible for the A.V. Club to report superhero news without hammering in gender issues, is it?

I know, can't help it, and the cycle repeats itself!

Isn't it time to let this story go? We all got excited, chaos ensued, and now it's time to move on to the next internet conflict.

Amen. I've been following the Peacemakers for years and it's a treat to hear "King of the Hill."

*Harrison falls*

One of my favorite bands, the short-lived The Refreshments, is mostly unknown aside from writing and performing the theme song from King of the Hill.

So what exactly in Michigan's law prevents this? Bringing bottles across state lines? Depositing over a certain amount?


Whatever you want to call them, they're the real deal, man.

Agreed in that at least he was suffering injuries. I still think Rey should have had a tougher time. Even Finn should have, really, although he did have combat training. In going for a "rah rah" moment, Abrams really made a high-level villain look weak.

It was Luke's first lightsaber battle, he had already had a little bit of training, and Vader still kicked his butt. Rey picked up the lightsaber firat time and… BAM!… defeats the main villain. In her first movie, not second, no less.

Luke at least got his ass kicked by Vader in Empire. Rey immediately beating Kylo felt unearned. I think there's going to an explanation that she had prior training that she forgot about, but it felt pretty unbelievable to me.

Pepe's fine in 5-minute doses in old cartoons and cameos in newer Looney Tunes projects. But I'm not sure how he could support an entire movie.

I love the episode where Pepe went after Sylvester the Cat. Epic crossover.

So who decides? There will always be at least one person offended by something.