henjin and proud of it

I just bought my tickets for the Vancouver International Film Festival, and was glad to get seats for The Past, Blue is the Warmest Colour, and Closed Curtain, as well as about 10 others. This festival season is one of my favourite things about early autumn.

I'm still trying to think of something for my home of the last decade, BC, but my home-home province of NS is alot easier. I'm not sure why Stan Rogers has to be ineligible — why limit oursselves to rock music when Stan captures NS so perfectly? — but I'd suggest any number of Sloan songs that would do.

*old guy fist bump* Exciting time to walk into a comic book store at age 12!

American Flagg! stands up very well. I've never been able to understand why he has never been able to tell another story that was equally interesting — alkthoguh his art remains excellent (if unchanged over 30+ years), none of his subsequent stories have grabbed me. I guess some people only have 1 story to tell?

I'm with you. Have always loved Nexus but could never get into Badger.

I would be doing a disservice to my avatar if I didn't point out that Yummy Fur
debuted in 1983. I was 12, and the timing was perfect — the comics racks were
filled with new comics from the best creators of the last few decades. New
Yummy Fur, Love & Rockets, Nexus, American Flagg!… sometimes I wonder if
I even would have

From Hell is the only book of Moore's that has really aged well for me. I'll always have a soft spot for his various super-hero material (especially Watchmen, Miracleman & Swamp Thing), but it's mainly my nostalgia that allows me to enjoy it when I pull it out now. I think one of the strengths of From Hell is the lack

Scanning for sarcasm…I *think*@avclub-754537075c5105c55477db49c94d584f:disqus is joking? God, I hope not.

Such a cruel bait & switch on a grey Wednesday morning.

So what was your biggest beef with the finale? I wouldn't have hated it nearly as much if Xander had actually displayed grief about Anya's death. The non-response just bugged the hell out of me, and robbed the episode of its already limited pathos/bathos.

Loving this show so far — not surprisingly, given my enjoyment of the Guest flics. Can anyone tell me how many episodes it will be? Also, is this season of Veep 8 or 10 episodes?

*adds comment to tracking chart for @avclub-2550698ff698ace5bad6cc684ea27387:disqus 's personnel file*

No joke: I once managed an employee who complained to HR based on her belief that I had inserted a camera behind her computer screen and spent my work day watching her.

*Um, I think the computer is looking back at me. Right into my soul!*
*scrolls down in panic until giant eye is no longer visible*

On the east coast of Canada we called that push an underduck, whereas my west coast wife calls it an underdog.

I've always heard it as "I'll turn you into a shrew." I love the regional variations on childhood songs etc.

Thanks. How about the first season of Wiseguy? I'm very curious whether it stands up as well as I remember.

Another opportunity to reflect on the adage, "getting is often better than having."

Same as with Inspector Spacetime and so on.

What are the odds right now for no endings to Endings? Hopefully low, even if it moves to another network.