henjin and proud of it

Has the original Prisoner been done yet? If not, all my votes go there. The conversations we could have!

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus — yes, I agree. Luckily I (for the most part) kicked that completionist habit about 20 years ago. Every now and then I notice its vestiges, though. That being said, I think my Modern Family days have ended.

I'm in the same boat. I sincerely enjoyed the first season — I KNOW I did. I laughed and everything! But now I can't imagine how that could be possible with these mean, unfunny characters. I watch out of some odd obligation, some sad extension of my child-hood collector's mentality that ensured that I get every issue

I would love to see more strategy talk when participants openly discuss lessons learned from previous seasons. I'm sure they do so and the editors choose to not include them, but I would find it an interesting insight into their thought processes.

Unlike most  "next episode" teases, I have to believe this is really going to be a game changing moment. I can't imagine why else Jeff would be there at night.

Judge — are you being serious or sarcastic? I think Malcolm came across as extremely likeable in this season but I would be surprised to see him get Fan Favourite, partially because I imagine many people vote in the last week and probably focus on the final 4 or 5 players.

Absolutely one of my bigger Survivor crushes from the last few seasons. Brenda is adorable too, though.

EDIT because I think I double posted. But maybe not. Argg! So very confused.

I used crt-f to check whether anyone had posted this before doing so myself. Arg…I'm always too slow.
I think the reason Being John Malkovitch comes so quickly to mind is because in a film so rich in the bizarre it made puppets seem like a legitimate medium for heart-felt art — for a second the audience actually buys

To be fair to him, once she was dead he was going to take her all the way to Jefferson.

Growing up in rural NS in the 80s, Brave New Waves was life-changing. It's too bad CBC doesn't seem to have anything similar anymore, although of course young kids in rural areas have the internet to teach them about the world.

Liked the Tin Tin look of Exit Wounds, so I'll probably check out her new book. I'll be curious to hear from anyone else who's already read it.

Take it from a Vancouverite — making the first round of the play-offs isn't always as fun as you'd think. But hey, better luck to you guys!

You absolutely could — if we were in the same country or on the same coast.

I kinda figured that The Doom was just a massive volcanic eruption, with which they don't have any familiarity, so they ascribed "reasons" for the disaster retroactively.

I agree strongly. It's not just the homophobic comments of the other characters — I was very distracted and annoyed by the sitcom-level stereotypes trotted out tonight, with oversized broaches and boyhood dreams of the dress fabric at his wedding. Haw haw haw. Are they going for laughs? I certainly preferred the

No disrespect, but isn't there a novelty song at the top of the UK charts a few times every year? I always thought of the UK as being much more into novelty comedy songs than the US or Canada.

I totally missed that, but of course you're right. I thought he was just systematically messing with the members of her team, and her.

My quiz team is now called the Primordial Procrasterbators. I am the *only* per son who thinks it's a cool name.

A few months ago I very unwisely revealed to a younger friend that I was pretty sure it was pronounced "mem" (one syllable). Luckily, she knows I'm old and out of touch, so she forgave me.