henjin and proud of it

I can't think of many authors who have impacted me as much and as deeply as Marquez, my introduction to magic realism. He is one of the few writers who has remained a favourite throughout my life. As a teenager, first reading the opening lines of 100 Years of Solitude, my life was altered. Few books have that power.

I've seen much more Japanese tv drama than South Korean, but it seems a standard troupe there as well. In the Japanese context I have always considered it an extension of the cultural emphasis on women as the maternal figure, one that is defined by self sacrifice.

So, where in NS? I grew up in Hants County, near Windsor. And to stay on topic, there was no junior prom and the grad prom was in our gym.

That's odd — I'm "in it" too: I'm the guy from the Vancouver show with a goatee sitting next to the featured interview who played Jon's dad in Watchmen. I can now say that Louis CK is distributing my new film!

I can't beelive they're skipping Vancouver! Is Kanye spreading shit about us or something?!

So Valentine's Day *2015*?

This is the best possible news. Now if only — IF ONLY!! — they can pull it off. But at face value, from the choice of characters to the format (short seasons so they can focus on a tight story), this has me excited.

I'm finding myself far more affected by Lou's passing than I would have expected — I'm not sure I can imagine my musical taste existing as it does without him. But everyone is talking about his musical genius — I want to acknowledge his role in promoting taijiquan ("tai chi") in the west. He was a devoted supporter

I'm not a fan, but he certainly lost a lot of love here in Vancouver yesterday. A last minute cancelation always sucks, especially for people who travel from far away to attend the show, but the rumours going araound are that — truck thefts notwithstanding — there was no way for the production to be torn down in

There's a funny anecdote in "The Long Way Down," a buddy-road-trip travelogue by Ewan McGregor. As they were driving through Tunisia they decided to risk being mobbed and visiting this site. McGregor seemed a little annoyed to get there and spend the day walking around the site, surrounded by (presumably) rapid fans —

Am I the only person who initially misread the headline to say that Community was cancelled? I know that it would be odd for the network to announce its return date and cancelation at the same time, but, well…NBC.

I got to see the exhibit on him at the Museum of Civilization in Hull (sorry, sorry — "Gatineau"). Seeing his piano was right up there for me with seeing Woody Guthrie's guitar, with "This machine kills fascists" etched on the body, at the EMP.

Did you know him before seeing the film? Because if not, then yeah — serendipity.

I was waiting to make the same comment but held back in fear of appearing pretentious. Thanks for taking the heat for me!

Absolutely agree. The 90s seemed like such an exciting time for Canadian film, and Don McKellar was a big part of that. Everytime he had a new film come out he would attend a showing at the rep cinema I managed, and I would always pester him mabout his plans to film Chester Brown's Ed the Happy Clown. He and Bruce

I see her character as a spiritual sister to the red-headed secretary on Newsradio. Same temperment, same role in the group dynamic, and even similiar look.

I have a ticket to see it at VIFF in a few weeks. Can't wait.

I finally got to see Grandmaster on the big screen last weekend. I loved it, but see why many North American viewers are prefering the Donnie Yen Ip Man series. The Wong Kar Wai version assumes basic knowledge of Chinese history and Ip Man's story, and refuses to follow either the gungfu or historical biopic formulas.

I'm at work and haven't heard the new track yet. What are your first impressions?

Is it just me, or has Much been recently reprogramed as comedy network 2.0?