henjin and proud of it

"You started selling meth to another gang!"
*whiney voice* "We were on a break!"

Important pop culture queries SCIENCE must address:

I don't follow sports, but is there a sense that this will now lead to others doing the same, or is this more of a late career guy who doesn't have much to lose by finally speaking his truth?

Without spoiling material in the later books, my sense is that the slowest burning, and potentially most important, reveal of the entire series will have to do with our incrementally getting filled in on what Targaryen rule was like, and in particular what happened in the weeks leading up to Robert's Rebellion.

Incidentally, henjin is Japanese for freak, so we're, like… brothers or something!

It's a fair cop!

I really wonder whether the show's biggest failing has been the way it has telegraphed the Red Wedding. It was all so shocking and unexpected (to me, at least) in the book, but glancing over at the newbie review everyone seems to be taking it as obvious that Frey will punish the already flailing Rob.

Somehow my eyes liked liked it, or at least parts. Which is a strong endorsement for the design and cinematography, given how much the rest of my being disliked it.

I try not to be overly judgemental, but you're asking for advice, so here's mine: lay off the beer. Of all the alcoholic beverages you and your room-mates could enjoy, beer must be the worst choice. It leads to weight gain and is statistically likely to result in negative health outcomes. Next time consider a good

Starts writing novel in which crazy university prof clones an army using the DNA samples unwillingly provided on the pages of all their essays. In act 3 the students have to shove their dicks back in their pants to work together and defeat their own clones to stop them from taking over campus (in other words,

You mean noodles that are flaccid and soft, like…a woman's wet hair?

I think the bigger problem is that because we don't see the events from his POV, we don't get any sense of how BIG a deal it is for him to revoke his vow of chastity. That felt like an important turning point in the text, whereas here it's just a sexy/funny moment.

Yeah, I loved this week — it seemed to fill in alot of important context from the book that I'd previously thought would be dropped.

I'm just glad they finally introduced Shireen — I was starting to think they were just dropping her. I thought the way they portrayed her "prison" was a bit much, though.

I am a career civil servant. I am shocked that I have never heard or used the term "procrasturbation" before. I am certain that I won't at least *think* it, at least a few times a week, for the rest of my career.

Am I the only one who disliked how cartoonishly helpless Max was made out to be in the talent show storyline? It just didn't work for me — like the transition from inept Homer to impossibly stupid Homer. And the weird thing is that the hibernation story totally worked for me, and it was more cartoonish than this… but

Umm…so that was a slavery reference, right?

That is *so* not the picture I expect to see when I click on a "Treme news update."

Speaking of The Wire, did everyone see the crazy story in today's news about the Baltimore prison where a crime lord has apparently been running his criminal enterprise from behind bars with impunity? Highlights of the story include the fact that this prisoner has fathered 5 children with various female prison staff,

Is there any word yet on where folks are going (Chicago based film project)? The news seems to be evolving today faster than I can keep up with it.