henjin and proud of it

As someone who has been reading this site for quite some time but only recently decided to timidly start joining the conversation, I think this thread answers any concerns about the future of the community. Good, bright, interesting people who have found a place to hang out. As sorry as we are to see staff

Geddy Lee Martin — I'm curious where you are in the world. What you describe is how I was raised in NS, but here on the West coast no-one seems to know (or at least follow) it. Or perhaps you're not in Canada at all?

I normally let these things go, but in 50/50 I was especially distracted by how blatently they filmed in Vancouver, setting major scenes in locations that couldn't be anywhere BUT Vancouver, and yet insisted on calling it Seattle ('cause US audiences aren't gonna watch a film set in Canada).

Agreed that the next few weeks are likely to be boring.

I agree — my fanish love for him aside, Cochran has a spectacular chance of being Sole Survivor.

Ya gotta love a season that could have been subtitled "Revenge of the Nerd."

Great — that's what I thought. I'll go back to ignoring them now.

I've always dismissed this band as not my thing, but this morning's Globe & Mail compared them favourably to the Smiths (very much my thing). Am I missing out on something decent?

I'm no fan of Dora, but in general kids cartoons are SOOOOOOOOOOO much better now than when I was a kid. Of course I also only had 2 channels, but still. I know we all have nostalgic love for Rocket Robin Hood and the 70s Spidey, but the stuff my kids watch is worlds better. (some faves in our house include Toopy &

Yeah, parenting is pretty simple up until you have kids.

If there is a way to access any information of a personal nature (aside from your love of Twin Peaks), then obviously shut it down.

Maybe I'm misreading the thread's level of irony, but I am surprised by the support for deactivating. Allowing the kid to watch shows through your account is having 0 negative consequence for you, correct (aside from the reminders when you see the recommnedations)? If I'm reading that part right, then:

Before becoming a parent I stood secure in the knowledge that I would NEVER use tv as a babysitter, and that in fact my kids would barely even watch tv. By age 3 or so they would prefer to while their hours away sitting quietly and reading on their own.

I usually am succesful at not yelling out the answer to the Busytown mytery to my kids. Usually. Some days I need all the wins I can get.

Timed for the Arrested Development release, I assume?

The Hernandez bros rarely let me down, and I'm not sure I'd still be into comics if it weren't for their consistant excellence over the decades. But this one doesn't grab me (not having actually seen the book yet). Can someone who's read it (in addition to the erudite reviewer above) weigh in on whether it's worth

However, we are getting a *free* New Pornographers show in a few weeks, and I'd rather see them than Prince any day.

Yeah, but what a debacle. $275 per seat (unassigned, so for that price you might have not even been able to sit with your friend). We quickly decided we couldn't afford to go, and thank goodness — the reviews were scathing.

And she deserves to be punished. For being very naughty.

I want to see an Andy Warhol Tramsformer flic: 24 hours of a stationary camera pointed at a car that neither moves nor transforms.