henjin and proud of it

His final dying breath is issued into a harminica, which begins on key but slowly weezes away to silence. Then we see his POV of the afterlife — Maddy Hayes handing him a Seagrams wine cooler. Yippie ki-yaayyy!

Here in Vancouver they did not show (although they did air a repeat — I think from season 1?).

BC actually, although I might have been tempted to go down to Seattle. He usually comes through Vancouver and I nalways see him when he does — this would have been a nice tour to see, though.

In Your Eyes should also be high on the list. But it's gonna be a long long list.

Damn — no love for the west coast.

Actually the cat's in the craddle! (*looks around to determine whether everyone noticed how he deftly brought the conversation back on topic, realizes no-one cares, goes back to trying to think of a clever name for his new quiz team*)

Umm, yeah, clearly…(looks at drink, looks around, smiles awkwardly)

Thanks to my sun-starved eyes and your profile pic, I initially read your comment as "The first Vatican is not overrated."

I agree with ratfink — I think I liek it more because it's Friday, and I really really need a good laugh.

Really? I seem to remeber some great anti-Fox barbs in the very early seasons.

I never had any love for Diamond until I saw him in the Last Waltz. He was still…well, Neil Diamond…but he fucking owned it. A little space has been open in my heart for him ever since, despite myself.

Just to be clear, the "he" to whom I was referring was Hartley. Unless he's doing character actor gigs?!

I'd go with George, although I'm still a fan of John's solo stuff as well. And based on Double Fantasy, the 80s might have been a redeeming decade for him artistically. 

I dare anyone to find anything negative to say about The Last Waltz. Whether it's the album or film — one of the few material "things" always guaranteed to make me feel ok about this whole life thing.

Agreed. I've always considered it a bit of a guilty pleasure, and honestly I'm surprised it's getting a pass here. I got to hear him perform it here in Vancouver last year (touchingly, for Linda). It stands out as one of the few post-Beatles songs where Paul's sincerity & sweetness don't grate.

I'm very curious to see what happens to Stealth R Us now. On the one hand everyone in his alliance obviously found Fillup's shenanigans silly, but on the other hand he was pretty successful at providing a clear lens through which the alliance could focus. With him gone, I could see the alliance being as strong as

Malcolm had no assurance that he had only 3 votes against him instead of 4. If 4 votes had gone against Malcolm and he hadn't played the idol there would have been a revote and Malcolm would be at Ponderosa.

@Eraserhead — Do you prefer the spelling poli-sci or am I missing your point?

Agreed — I miss the days of fake idols. I guess today's players are either a) not bright enough to pull it off or b) too bright to be fooled by somene else's fakery.

I haven't *heard* much from Brenda but I've certainly seen her. Love her little happy dances…