henjin and proud of it

That's rough Skynet, but I can do worse. Several months before Episode 1 came out, the projectionist union in our province went on strike (management was running the projectors). Like the good poly-sci grad students we were, none of my friends or I broke the picket line to see a film (this was made much, much easier

Great interview, interesting guy. I really got into film in the early 90s, when I managed to work in a wonderful repertory cinema while I was doing my undergrad. In those years, Hal Hartley seemed to be the vanguard for a new direction in indie American film, and his sensibility had a huge impact on me.

Yes — a great example of "show don't tell" in the service of world-buidling. I thought Looper did a great job of this as well — loved all the falling-apart cars from our time with barely futuristic non-gasoline powered ad hoc upgrades.

Shanti shnati shanti. An especially rousing heoric moment despite the obvious formulaic toupe. And one of the best sf flics in recent years. But I didn't think he was from the 60s — I thought he was more of a 90s guy (based on the timeline of the film).

Neds more description of boiled leather and the food on the table.

Fair enough. Out of curiosity, what is it about the show that doesn't work for you?

I think that implicating the audience in our readiness to buy into his misanthropy is what makes it a "Louis bit." 

I was pretty shocked that he left off the ending. For me the "twist" is what made the bit so memorable — the self-deprecating reflection that the nastiness of others is mostly his own construction. Sadly, I can relate to that background mental voice that fabricates antagonism where none exists. The reality is that

Rechecks figures, nods in agreement.

For what it's worth, the genius of Louie is only partially reflected in his stand-up. If you liked the special, you're going to adore the series. He's the Woody Allen of my generation: great stand-up, but a true auteur on the screen.

Nova Temperance and Teatottalerachewan. Niether is very fun.

Y'all are invited to come over to my place Sat night — we're using the new Louie CK special as an excuse to socialize. If you're in the wet part of Canada swing by!

I saw Davinci's Demons and briefly hoped that Chris Haddock had returned to Vancouver for a new series. Then reality swept in and the old wound started seeping again.

He came over to my work place just to give me a high five. Sweet guy.

And that was an ad lib, right?

Part of my pleasure in reading "april's" fan fic is that I can vividly imagine her smirk as she's writing it.

Runs to bookshelf, pulls out textbook.

Agree on all counts. It's been established that Britta is an activist solely in self-image, but I find it hard to believe that a Britta would have passed on two opportunities to vote Obama. That is THE vote that pulled  tonnes of former anarchist wanna-be's out of their anti-establishment lethargy to spend 5 minutes

I'm fantasizing about the Community puppets getting torn apart by the Angel puppets.

I didn't even see that track listed on the cover.