henjin and proud of it

Dare to dream!

Thanks for the tip on the free trial — now to confirm it applies in Canada.

So what's the consensus around here: are these new episodes going to be the best comedy of the year or a sad cash-grabby disappointment? Also, how tough are they going to be to see for those of us without netflix (he asked, eyeing the room nerviously for narcs)?

I just love doing it with my kids. We crack each other up.

I have read that description 3 times and am still having difficulty comprehending.

It's the first time I remember being morally unforfortable with a challenge. I'm sure someone will use this to downplay the inhumanity of water-boarding: "Ah, it didn't seem to bother Brenda none!"

It happens rarely, but every now and then Survivor captures a male friendship that really resonates. This season it was Michael & Matt, and I'm still disappointed that they didn't go farther into the game. Cochrane & Malcolm would be an all-star buddy team-up, but for the fact that they're both too clever to commit

I don't always have a Survivor crush, and when I do she often leaves the season tragically early. I'm hoping for at least a few more weeks together with Andrea. And then there's Brenda and her little dances…

I agree — the most comfortable players (Cochran, Dawn, [shudder] Phillip) can let the vote go against pretty much anyone, so long as they're not in their alliance. One of the keys to going deep in the game seems to be appearing to go along with whoever wants to choose the next person out. Until you get to the last 6

I wonder whether Reynold would have given over the idol had Malcolm raised the issue in advance. Possibly not. My sense is that Reynold was cornered into making an on the spot decision. My question is whether Malcolm calcualated that on some level, and knew that he could bend Reynold to his will if he didn't give him

This sums it up. The idealistic kid who watched Yes Minister & Yes PM is pretty disgusted that he grew up to work in government, but the deeper I get into my bureaucratic career, the more amused I am at my younger self's belief in the complex skulduggery of sinister government. My truth alligns painfully closely to

Thanks — been hanging around here for a while and figured it was time to start contributing.

So I'm curious about your tease on next season — care to share? As for this season, I'd love to see the popping of Philip's delusional bubble, although I'm one of the minority that fails to find his brand of mental illness entertaining. On the other hand (umm, so to speak) I'm hoping Andrea and Brenda stay around a

I definiteky agree. Part of my reaction is that I like a great story/series to have a great ending, and then it's time to move on. Anything else, even if (IF!) it were sincerely motivated by artistic expression, would carry the taint of opportunism. Probably unfairly, I had the same reaction to Caprica, which I

As a teen music lover in the 80s I went through a long stretch where the only music worth listening to pre-dated me. Hours spent obsessing over the Beatles and Pink Floyd, old blues, my first expereimentation with bebop — in retrospect I was too strongly influenced by all the boomer centric pop culture of the time,

The Times They are a Changin' BACK — Tim Robbins