
While i completely understand your impartial assessment, these books have a value well beyond any literary critique. Read books when looking for something to read with my daughter as she got older and I viewed through that lens, As someone who grew up and was largely educated by sci-fi and spent too long a time in

These books are so entwined with my relationship with my daughter that they mean something well beyond any inherent value.

that's the truth, probably why we treasure kid's youth so much as it provides a direct if vicarious link to that period where we could enjoy life unconditionally without being aware of the pile of shite slowly creeping up to our eyeballs. But eff it, as long as he does a better job with it then I did(albeit a low

Only review that truly matters for me at this point is the one resulting from watching my 9-yr old boys reaction this saturday at 9 am and the memories I will take away of spending this time with him. Cannot friggin wait.

It appears manufacturers of dairy products truly will inherit the earth.

I would forgive this show many of its prior sins, if they simply titled next week's apparent Morgan's spiritual rebirth "Blessed are the Cheesemakers/Any Manufacturer of Dairy Products."

Not sure I heard it correctly, but sounded like Morgan stated that he learned his new zen mojo fighting from a "cheesemaker" …

sigh, was expecting just such a response as I typed that, but felt it wasn't worth the effort to try and avoid the easy joke

Don't get chance to rewatch a lot of adult movies as only really get to watch and rewatch kids movies and age appropriate adventure stuff . That being said, I can currently attest to the following within this limited scope.

RIP indeed, a great and interesting author, who I never fully gave a fair shake due to limited reading of his larger catalogue. I did read all the ones referenced above and while not my favorite writer of prose, I really liked the ideas and technique.

I bought my 8 year old son the 4 volume collection less than a year ago and we read several series before bed each night. Along with Wierd Al, this has been probably the best pop-culture bonding experience I could have wished for.

As I head to my ancestral home this weekend to take my son to see Weird Al, with all due respect to what I am sure is not an ill-natured dig on Cleveland by you or posters below, I have to, all in good conscience, offer up a big, hearty, non-ad hominem, eff you …

Would be great if they did the whole series as quite an interesting mix of genres.
However, not sure how it would go given the huge tonal shifts and basically shift to an entirely different genre that occur after the first book.

Thanks for the response, but I did not say there was no evidence, nor do I frankly care. I do care about the selective enforcement, the imbalance of priority and treatment, and the excessive hatred (as addressed in the article) that allows the NFL to do this, create smokescreens, and get patted on the back by those

It's this type of selective ardor and moral outrage that makes me despise this whole business, so to use your own rhetorical flourish … If you think that there is no presence of selective enforcement and prejudice based on factors other than "respect for the integrity of the game," then nobody can effing help you.

Early 2000's
Opener: Wilco
Headliner: REM

Is it misguided to hope for a "Better Call Loretta" spinoff.
Not particularly serious here and I think only someone of the caliber of Gilligan could pull this off. But god what I would give to keep this team of writers (and masters of dialogue) together in some way.

Never thought to research it before, but I think you are likely correct with Sturgeon. Never read anything by him but based purely on Vonnegut's references to Kilgore Trout, I assume he had some, at least limited, affection for the man.
Regardless I just like the idea of Kilgore Trout as Vonnegut's affection for the

Addressed my perspective on the comparisons above in response to another post.
But because we are throwing names and associations around. I always thought of Jack Vance as Kilgore Trout.
Not sure it would be true to say the Vance was Vonnegut's Kilgore Trout, but he was definitely mine. In highschool, I could only find

While its never something I thought about, I guess there is some resonance between Vonnegut and Pratchett in the humanistic sense, with flawed ordinary characters just struggling to be decent and share kindness in the face of an effed up world. But not sure it goes much farther than that.