Imminent Disaster

Wow Bear, you sure do rage. Stop taking it so personally.

John, thanks for your response, and apologies for coming at the issue so strongly. As a hardcore gamer, I get frustrated when I can't find certain details that I feel are necessary to make a good judgement. Mix in a couple White Russians and I'll go overboard.

I'm sure the AVC critics appreciate your valiant attempt to trivialize an essential component of reviewing games. I suppose you don't care if film critics finish the movies they write up.

Succinct reviews of video games aren't fine for me. If I'm going to spend $60 and invest 25+ hours of my life in something, I want all the detail I can get. If I come off as a pedantic dick then so be it. Just being honest.

"The remake adds unavoidable (and optional) motion controls…"

It's obvious that AVC game critics don't finish the games they play. The reviews are anemic and focus on secondary issues like product placement and the size of the text. What about play control, sound and graphic quality, variety of levels, learning curve, replay value, DLC etc.?

I dunno, the pickpocketing got pretty challenging as the game progressed, and stressed patience in a game where you could almost always kill anyone and then run/jump/climb to safety easily.

WTF!? Where are the American dates?

awaiting details
Most of the reviews on this site are far too short, and make general observations without giving any supporting details. How exactly does the control scheme defy the limits of the analog sticks? Which parts of the game are more fun/rewarding - the strategy or the actual combat - and how well does

I was wondering that myself, but there's no way I'll listen to Tori Amos just to find out.

Nah, it just makes you a "sick rhymes hata".

Let me add to that - I felt Love was well cast for that film, and I'm sure Grey is for this one. All you haters simply have to wait until her "serious" acting career flops, and then point at the Internet and say "I told you so".

All this Sasha Grey hoopla reminds me of when Courtney Love got cast as a slut in People vs. Larry Flynt, and critics called her performance "naturalistic".

Harry Knowles was in the Faculty.

I think Irreversible is a must-see for film buffs. Even if you don't like it - I for one found it incredibly exploitative and misguided - it's indisputably powerful, features some great acting and fresh ideas, and leaves you with plenty to think/talk about.

Word. Transformers biatch.

If you found Max Cherry unlikable, you might want to give up movies.

She owned the 2 episodes of Deadwood she was in.

All your base… ah, fuck it.

Alfonso Cuaron was the most skilled flavorful.