
About 4/5 of the comments here are terribly sexist. Ugh. I thought better of the AV Club.

Ali gets money from Maura, for sure. Otherwise, idk, but it seems like she moved in w/ Syd pretty quickly, right? She seems like kind of a loafer/mooch.

I could tell Raquel was uncomfortable w/ the whole situation from the get-go. It was in her best interest to have a comfortable environment considering the pregnancy.

The scene where they each saw their own birth, to the classical music…. holy shit!

The scope of that show is just amazing, but I don't hear that much buzz about it. There were so many good shows this year, but this one really stood out to me. The fact that they shot it on location in four different continents alone makes it unlike any other show.

I liked it a lot. The only plotline that didn't work was Ruby Rose. She's hot, yeah, but her acting was weak and she was obviously just put there to throw a wrench in the Piper/Alex relationship.

I love Cersei but am lolling @ calling her "incest lady"

The actress who plays Black Cindy is phenomenal. I was brought to tears.

I only ended up w/ three survivors in the end - Chris, Sam, and Matt. I'm going to play again and see if I can keep them all alive.

I have no friends that play this game. I just got it on redbox and holy fuck I want to play it forever!


I fully intend on making my future husband wear those hideous cufflinks at my own wedding.

Her hair is terrible, but I feel like her makeup is really on point? I find her way more attractive this season, despite the goofy hair.

I was pretty thrilled to see that Sarah and I have a similar masturbation method.

Thanks, Spidey!

That's insame

Don't call it that.

Yeah, I'm all caught up w/ the show so I have a general idea of what's in store for him. And he's a little shit, but IDK if he quite deserves THAT.

I love that she played The Bisexual in the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode. Typecasting?

I got my boyfriend a copy of The Movement for his birthday. I've read some of it and omg there are some gems.