
Down and Dirty Pictures - another by Peter Biskind - is also awesome. It's more about the emergence of independent film in the 90s. A lot about Sundance and Miramax/the Weinsteins. I recommend!

My favorite part of the film is the Point of View Gun scene. But honestly, I love the whole thing! It's a lot of fun.

Excellent! I'm almost to A Feast For Crows and I can't wait because I LOVE Cersei!

The Handmaid's Tale.

Personally, I loved the book. It takes place in Australia, and I thought maybe because Nicole was in it they'd have it take place there but w/ the other casting choices it doesn't seem likely. Shailene is PERFECT for Jane. Laura isn't what I pictured for Renata but I love her and I know she'll do well.

You should read the book! I started reading it and thought, "this seems like light and fluffy chick lit, w/e" but I kept going and it's really quite good. I was fully engrossed and attached to the characters. I haven't read the wikipedia page but I would be afraid it might spoil some really important plot elements

He definitely is. I mean, he's obviously a little skinny guy but he has great hair and an endearing quality, a super nice face. Ben Wyatt was basically the dream husband.

Hey, wha happon?

The only times I think she really shines are when she interacts w/ Carol. There's something about their friendship that actually rings true to me.

This was the first episode I've seen of the show where the entire cast really shined. Finally I'm starting to give a shit about characters other than Phil and Carol! And Phil was just the right amount of annoying/hilarious.

My first introduction to Patrick Wilson was w/ Angels in America, and damn if he didn't impress me in that! Then he was in Hard Candy and I was like, "wow, this guy's got it!"

He's also the European guy from the episode of It's Always Sunny w/ the glory hole. It's a small part in an old episode but he KILLS it.

When is the next review coming up? And why is no one watching this show??

I know it's a long shot but it would be sort of cool if they did this. Mostly because the way they wrote her out of the first season, and the way she came back out of nowhere, all of it seemed weird/fishy to me.

She was being sarcastic/facetious? Because it really didn't seem that way with the delivery.

Okay, I am going to sound like a huuuuge nerd for this, but they fucked up the writing in this episode. When Peyton says to Ravi something along the lines of, "We can finally see that movie Vertigo you're always talking about" I was REALLY confused.

I would say the beginning of this season was way funnier than the end bits. This show is heavier on the drama, but the very first scene - the dream sequence funeral? That was darkly comedic. Definitely gave the impression that I was watching a dark comedy.

I wish Fairuza was in more things. :(

Oh man, you got to see Seinfeld Star Wars in person??

Nah, she looks great w/ the weight gain and in the odd wardrobe they've picked out for her. I love it!