Basil Wrathbone

Holy shit, the suspense for the reveal. However likely it was Perry, the possibility it might not be was riveting. Would love an alternate ending where Jane just pulls her gun out of her purse and wastes him on sight.

The act took all that money that was spread across all medium and small markets in the country paying for things like high school sports coverage and city council meetings and put it in the pockets of a few people. Satellite automation for program content was already available but ownership restrictions kept money

Veep! will continue to be the serious, high minded choice until House of Cards confronts Yoghurt shoppe shits.

The way he delivered the bit about his earliest memory being a whore getting shot in the tummy…I feared injury from laughing

I liked the first much more than the second. Was also looking for a shoot-em-up when I originally found it. A pleasant surprise and really liked it. I think it leans more towards the Godfather than to anything Woo. Without spoiling, Lok has that low key ruthlessness of Michael Corleone. Took a second viewing to keep

I wish HMS Rose was still sailing the east coast.

Lure him in with a sequel to 'a good year' where rich vineyard banker guy inherits a yacht from another rich uncle. Don't mention the yacht is technically a 28 gun frigate.

I was hoping for the whole cast of Blackadder to show up for an episode each character with a different American regional accent.

Me too. So impressed that I picked up a copy as soon as it hit DVD. So sad that I never watched it again.

Odd coincidence that the commercial before the clip is for a show exec produced by Amy Poehler.

I love his review of the Winslow Homer exhibit. Still funny but freaking hilarious the first time I read it.

Too late to return Styx Cornerstone LP they sent me for selection of the month. Wasted too much time trying to figure out what the fuck that album art was about.

"I am a Fugitive from a Gang Bang"

The Door.

Maybe she had to be sent upstate to Falcon's farm. In which case - lucky wolves. I'd fight off wild animals with her femur any time.

If someone would make a life size poster of Alida Vali walking down that cemetary lane I'd lean at the edge of it and smoke cigarettes.

He later traded it in on a 1958 monkey shit brown Buick Super.

Yes. The Apollo 12 episode was my favorite. Hopefully it shows up on HBO Go someday.

Her last appearance on the Craig Ferguson's old show a few years ago featured an audience member's ejection for excessive boisterousness. I don't think he was a nut job, it's just a generation of guys' programmed response.

Space Above and Beyond reboot - keep the dream alive in two thousand, ten and five!!!!!!!!