Basil Wrathbone

If you haven't heard it yet - 1952 Vincent Black Lightning (Rumour and Sigh album). When you've picked your jaw up off the floor check out his version of Oops I did it again. And he did Woodstock at a Joni Mitchell tribute concert - it's on YouTube and its profoundly good.

Better than their live show…

Then how did Jay know where to find the bowl????

'Disco Duck' didn't have the SNL pedigree, but it was a better dance tune.

Margaret Dumont gets a lot of ink.

Disappointed - thought this was about the KISS cover band of the same name.

No Zevon is BS. And a few years ago Joan Jett blew the roof off that theater. Best musical performance I've seen on any tv show in a long time.

Zorro the Gay Blade is more fun. There are colorful costumes to entertain the childrens.

Yours is the art of the toupee. Consult your prison's mental health professional for what options are available on your cell block.

I didn't know Borrowed Tune was recorded apart from most of the other tracks. For me that's the most unhinged moment of an unhinged, brilliant record.

Very long odds prediction. He does a Warren Zevon song.

yeah, I don't think he takes requests. Best they could do is book him and then try to psychologically manipulate him into wanting to sing it. would have been good Larry Sanders episode.

The series is hard to find over here but the episode that stuck in my mind has several nations threatening to boycott the games unless the gov't apologized to the aboriginal people. Knowing the gov't would never do it, the Olympics planning team, betting no one outside the country knows what the PM looks like, gets an

i know better than to ever suggest in public that anyone but Rhodes is solo Ozzy's best guitarist but I really like a lot of the Jake E. Lee tracks. Bark at the Moon was solid. The Ultimate Sin is when Ozzy started to slip. At least that's how I remember it when the videos for that album hit MTV. Couple years later

Except The Games w/ John Clarke about the 2000 Olympics.

Me too. Still kind of wish he'd review being a director for childrens' theater, but different worlds.

Always a god, the popularity of the belief system as a whole just changes. That Holy Diver album cover….still remember the first time I saw that at record and tape outlet.

k219 better than k19.

is there a service that will send a puppy to a friend/relative upon your death? dirtnapdoggys.com?

And if they have to bring back paintball to bring back the Koogler maybe the Koogler hastens the return of VCR based video games which summons Vince Gilligan that makes possible the return of Gina Gershon in all her dinner dropping glory.