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    Yes! I just feel like the Latimers do not fit here. I love the actors (esp. Beth) but their storyline should be closed now.

    Honestly I'd say the best thing is to watch 1 and skip right to 3. 2 was miserable and so far irrelevant. They should have just done this to begin with- time jump so what happened with the husband's trial etc would be long resolved (could be mentioned in passing) and we discover what's happening with all the

    Aw man, I wanted way more Ed Chambers.

    The massive public suspicion of Major makes no sense to me. All of his supposed victims were found and all gave public statements blaming Vaughan, not him. Yes there was evidence against him, but he was Vaughan's trainer so I assume it's been inferred by the authorities that Vaughan planted that evidence on him to

    This deserves more upvotes.

    I haven't been bothered by the pacing/change in focus of this season, but I was disappointed in this finale. I was expecting something a little more thrilling to end on.

    I miss Sue SO much!!!

    Honk honk.

    There was a line from Luisa at one point saying that Raphael's brother was on Rose's list of people she killed, so I guess he's dead.

    Seriously? I HATE Luisa. She is so self-righteous for someone who is so in the wrong about nearly every decision she's ever made and every action she's ever taken over the course of this show.

    I think Nina really needs to get some help. Her struggles with paranoia and persecution are holding her back so, so much. I think she has great potential as a queen but this is stopping her from realizing it. Nina has mentioned her lack of finances, so I'm sure finding the resources for professional help would be very

    I agree- it's too late in the season and Ru was PISSED, so I'll be really surprised if they bring her back.

    OMG. I am GAGGED.

    I think if she'd had a few more seconds to think, she would've done it. But there was basically no time between her yelling a few times to see if they could hear her and the girl starting to die.

    I gasped and yelled "How DARE you?!" at the screen.

    I just finished watching.

    This season continues to disappoint.

    Yes please to discussion board posts for next season!!!

    I have *never* liked Luisa and I don't understand what others find so appealing about her. Even before she made the horrible choice, over and over again, to stick with Rose, she was always so irritatingly flighty and melodramatic.

    So much yes to all of this.